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UKPSC Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Recruitment 563 Posts

UKPSC invited online applications for filling up the following 563 Vacancies of Patwari and Lekhpal (Revenue Sub Inspector/ RSI) in various districts under the Uttarakhand Rajaswa Vibhag. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the UK Patwari/ Lekhpal Bharti Vacancies through the website UKPSC Patwari Lekhpal Recruitment as eligibility criteria, vacancy details, selection process, physical, exam syllabus, admit card, answer key, result etc latest info is given below.

Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Recruitment 2022-2023

दिनांक 12 फरवरी, 2023 को आयोजित राजस्व उप निरीक्षक (पटवारी/ लेखपाल) परीक्षा के परिणाम दिनांक 06 अप्रैल, 2023 में औपबंधिक रूप से सफल घोषित अभ्यर्थियों का परीक्षा परिणाम में उल्लिखित जनपदवार अभिलेख सत्यापन परीक्षा भवन, उत्तराखण्ड लोक सेवा आयोग, हरिद्वार में दिनांक 24 अप्रैल 2023 से प्रारम्भ किया जायेगा। इसके बाद अभ्यर्थियों की शारीरिक दक्षता एवं शारीरिक मानक परीक्षा पुलिस लाइन हरिद्वार में दिनांक 25 अप्रैल, 2023 से प्रारम्भ की जायेगी।

Candidates can download the admit card for document verification, physical efficiency test and physical standard test from from 13th April 2023 through the link below.

UKPSC Patwari/ Lekhpal Result
DV and Physical Test Notification
Patwari/ Lekhpal Checklist
UKPSC Patwari Lekhpal Admit Card

Update (31st Jan 2023): उत्तराखण्ड राजस्व उप निरीक्षक (पटवारी/ लेखपाल) परीक्षा-2022 का आयोजन दिनाँक 12 फरवरी 2023 (रविवार) को राज्य के 13 जनपदों के विभिन्न परीक्षा केन्द्रों में किया जायेगा। लिखित परीक्षा हेतु औपबन्धिक रूप से अर्ह अभ्यर्थी पटवारी-लेखपाल प्रवेश पत्र दिनाँक 02 फरवरी 2023 से नीचे दिए गए लिंक के माध्यम से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं।

Update (12th Jan 2023): As per the latest news, UKPSC has canceled the Patwari Lekhpal Exam held on 08th Jan 2023 due to paper leak. Approx 158000 candidates had registered for the exam while approx 114000 candidates appeared in the written exam. Now the re-exam is scheduled to be conducted on 12th Feb 2023.

उत्तराखण्ड लोक सेवा आयोग द्वारा समूह ‘ग’ में राजस्व विभाग के अधीन विभिन्न जनपदों के अन्तर्गत राजस्व उपनिरीक्षक (पटवारी) के 391 रिक्त पदों तथा राजस्व उपनिरीक्षक (लेखपाल) के 172 रिक्त पदों अर्थात कुल 563 रिक्त पदों पर सीधी भर्ती से चयन हेतु ऑनलाइन आवेदन पत्र आमन्त्रित किए गये हैं।

इसके तहत पटवारी के लिए अल्मोड़ा में 50, बागेश्वर में 18, चमोली में 26, चंपावत में 26, देहरादून में 09, नैनीताल में 27, पौड़ी गढ़वाल में 79, पिथौरागढ़ में 38, रुद्रप्रयाग में 13, टिहरी में 45 और उत्तरकाशी में 60 पद हैं। जबकि लेखपाल के लिए चंपावत में 01 पद, देहरादून में 38, हरिद्वार में 51, नैनीताल में 26 और ऊधमसिंह नगर में 56 पद हैं।

Total Number of Vacancies – 563 Posts

In order to apply for the direct recruitment of Group C Posts of Patwari/ Lekhpal, candidate must have passed 10th and 12th or equivalent level of examination from recognized institutions located in the State of Uttarakhand.

UKPSC Patwari Recruitment

Post Name and Nature – राजस्व उप निरीक्षक (पटवारी) (अराजपत्रित/ स्थायी/ अंशदायी पेंशनयुक्त)
Department – राजस्व विभाग उत्तराखण्ड
Pay Scale – Rs 29200-92300 (Level-05)
Age Limit – 21 to 28 years (relaxation in upper age limit will be applicable as per Govt rules).
Educational Qualification – Graduate Degree or equivalent educational qualification from a recognised University.

Number of Vacancies – 391 Posts

  • Almora – 50 Posts (SC-06, ST-01, OBC-06, EWS-06, GEN-31)
  • Bageshwar – 18 Posts (SC-00, ST-01, OBC-03, EWS-06, GEN-08)
  • Chamoli – 26 Posts (SC-03, ST-01, OBC-03, EWS-02, GEN-17)
  • Champawat – 26 Posts (SC-05, ST-01, OBC-03, EWS-02, GEN-15)
  • Dehradun – 09 Posts (SC-01, ST-00, OBC-02, EWS-01, GEN-05)
  • Nainital – 27 Posts (SC-09, ST-00, OBC-01, EWS-06, GEN-11)
  • Pauri Garhwal – 79 Posts (SC-12, ST-01, OBC-00, EWS-19, GEN-47)
  • Pithoragarh – 38 Posts (SC-09, ST-00, OBC-01, EWS-04, GEN-24)
  • Rudraprayag – 13 Posts (SC-02, ST-00, OBC-00, EWS-05, GEN-06)
  • Tehri Garhwal – 45 Posts (SC-11, ST-00, OBC-01, EWS-11, GEN-22)
  • Uttarkashi – 60 Posts (SC-11, ST-02, OBC-08, EWS-06, GEN-33)

UKPSC Lekhpal Recruitment

Post Name and Nature – राजस्व उप निरीक्षक (लेखपाल) (अराजपत्रित/ स्थायी/ अंशदायी पेंशनयुक्त)
Department – राजस्व विभाग उत्तराखण्ड
Pay Scale – Rs 29200-92300 (Level-05)
Age Limit – 21 to 35 years (relaxation in upper age limit will be applicable as per Govt rules).
Educational Qualification – Graduate Degree or equivalent educational qualification from any recognised University.

Number of Vacancies – 172 Posts

  • Champawat – 01 Post (SC-00, ST-00, OBC-00, EWS-00, GEN-01)
  • Dehradun – 38 Posts (SC-04, ST-00, OBC-08, EWS-03, GEN-23)
  • Haridwar – 51 Posts (SC-07, ST-05, OBC-00, EWS-04, GEN-35)
  • Nainital – 26 Posts (SC-03, ST-00, OBC-05, EWS-06, GEN-12)
  • US Nagar – 56 Posts (SC-10, ST-02, OBC-08, EWS-06, GEN-30)

राजस्व उप निरीक्षक (पटवारी) एवं राजस्व उप निरीक्षक (लेखपाल) पद हेतु उत्तराखण्ड अधीनस्थ सेवा चयन आयोग द्वारा पूर्व में प्रकाशित विज्ञापन दिनांक 17 जून, 2021 में जिन अभ्यर्थियों द्वारा आवेदन किया गया था, उन अभ्यर्थियों हेतु आयु गणना की निश्चायक तिथि उक्त विज्ञापन के अनुसार 01 जुलाई, 2020 है। उक्त के अतिरिक्त अन्य अभ्यर्थियों हेतु आयु गणना की निश्चिायक तिथि 01 जुलाई, 2022 है।

Selection Process, Physical and Exam Syllabus

Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal selection process will be completed in 02 phases. In the first phase, candidates will be called for written exam and then qualified candidates will have to go through physical tests (qualifying in nature). The written exam (re-exam) is scheduled to be conducted in the month of Feb 2023 tentatively.

The selection process will consist of Written Examination, Physical Standards Test and Physical Efficiency Test as per the pattern given below:

Written Examination (Patwari/ Lekhpal)

All eligible candidates will be issued admit card for the written examination. Uttarakhand Patwari/ Lekhpal written exam will be conducted by UKPSC and the exam will be of maximum 100 Marks. The question paper will be of 02 Hours duration and will consist of total 100 Objective Type Multiple Choice questions (01 Mark each) based on General Hindi, General Knowledge and General Studies as per the pattern below.

There will be negative marking of ¼ marks for every wrong answer given by candidates. Minimum 45 marks for Gen/OBC and 35 marks for SC/ST are required to qualify in the written exam.

1. सामान्य हिन्दी – 20 अंक
2. सामान्य ज्ञान व सामान्य अध्ययन – 40 अंक
– सामान्य बुद्धि परीक्षण और मानसिक योग्यता
– इतिहास
– भूगोल
– राजनीतिक विज्ञान
– अर्थशास्त्र
– राज्य, राष्ट्रीय और अन्तर्राष्ट्रीय महत्व की समसामयिक घटनायें।
– कम्प्यूटर की मूलभत जानकारी (computer fundamentals)
3. उत्तराखण्ड से सम्बन्धित विविध जानकारियाॅं – 40 अंक

Check the given links for Written Exam Syllabus for Patwari/ Lekhpal and all other Group C posts:

Physical Standards Test (Only for Patwari)

Male Candidates:
Height – Minimum 168 Cms (05 Cms relaxation for Hill area candidates).
Chest – 84 Cms with expansion (minimum 5 Cms expansion is mandatory).
Female Candidates:
Height – Minimum 152 Cms (05 Cms relaxation for Hill area candidates).
Weight – Minimum 45 Kgs.

Physical Efficiency Test (for Patwari and Lekhpal)

Male Candidates: 07 Kms Run within maximum 60 minutes.
Female Candidates: 3.5 Kms Run within maximum 35 minutes.

Finally, in pursuance of category and district wise available vacancies, final merit list will be prepared in order of performance of candidates in Written Examination only. In the case of obtaining similar marks by two or more candidates, the merit will be determined on the basis of higher age. On selection, candidates will have to undergo 01 year training on their own expenses at Patwari Training and Bhulekh Training Institute, Almora.

Online Application Form, Important Dates and Notification

Eligible and interested candidates will have to submit online application form for the UKPSC Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Recruitment through the website or from 14th Oct to 10th Nov 2022 (revised). Keep ready your mobile number, email id, educational details and scanned images of photograph (20-50kb) and signature (10-50kb) for submitting online form.

While applying online you will have to choose only one district option. Whichever district the candidate selects for the post, he/she will have to participate in written exam in the same district. You are advised to read the official recruitment notification (vigyapan) carefully and follow all the instructions given for submission of online application.

Important Steps to Submit Online Application form:

  • Step 1: Registration and Personal Details
  • Step 2: Educational and Other Details
  • Step 3: Upload Photograph and Signature
  • Step 4: Final Review and Submit
  • Step 5: Print Application form

Examination fee – All the candidates are exempted from payment of exam fee.

Important Dates (Revised):

  • Commencement of filling of online application form – 14th October 2022
  • Last date of filling of online application form – 10th November 2022 (11.59 PM)
  • Re-Exam date – 12th Feb 2023 (Calendar)

Exam Date and Admit Card – The written exam is tentatively scheduled to be conducted on 12th Feb 2023. Admit Card will not be sent through Post, rather it will be available to download online about 01-02 week before the exam date. Stay connected for UKPSC Patwari Lekhpal Exam, physical and related latest news updates.

Register and submit online application form through the direct link provided below (available from 14th Oct). For more details about the UKPSC Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Bharti, download the official recruitment notification (vigyapti) A-1/E-5/DR/RSI/2022-23 in pdf format.

Search any information available on this site by the help of the search box above. You may visit later for other latest updates related to the current and upcoming Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Recruitment, Rajaswa Vibhag Vacancies etc.

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51 Comments on "UKPSC Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Recruitment 563 Posts"

  1. Sir bageshwar district ke liye vacancy nhi hain kya

  2. Himanshu Joshi says:



    kya sir other stae vale b apply kar sakta hain

  4. pradeep negi says:

    sir ubter pr different vecency dekha rha h or uttrakhand job requarment pr alag plz sir verfy kr dijiye total kitni post h …plz

  5. pradeep negi says:

    or sir plz syllebus v clear kr dijiye plz

    1. Syllabus ukssc wala hain

  6. Neeraj Badola says:

    A peeson who is serving in center govt. Job,can he apply for the given post of patwari?

  7. kamal rawat says:

    I am appearing graduation can i apply for the post

    1. You're not eligible to apply, please read educational qualification above.

  8. Arvind Rawat says:

    koi bataiega kya document dene hie application k sath///

  9. yogeshkumar arya says:

    Can one eyed person apply for this job?

  10. ashish rangar says:

    sir uttarkashi ka kya advertisement nahe aaya

  11. Manju Pant says:

    sir pl tell us how many Patwari & Lek pall seats for General in all dist.

    1. Please download advertisements for category wise vacancy details.

  12. Anonymous says:

    sir….mera greduation ho chuka hai aaur meri date of birth 18/12/1994 hai…..kya mai elegible hun…..please sir conform kra den…..
    surendra singh (chamoli)

  13. annu mehra says:

    sir graduation final year wale v aaply kr skte h patwari ke liye ya lekhpal k liye.plz guide me sir

    1. Candidates appearing in the final year of qualifying examination are not eligible to apply.

  14. pankaj raj says:

    sir pls ye conform kar dijiye ke dehradun ki post me height magi hai ya ni

  15. I am working in a bank from 2013 n my employment registration had expired on 2013. Can I apply by giving No objection certificate

  16. Karan Rana says:

    Hats off site sir ..thanks for answering all ques and ur site rocks. Psingh

  17. LALIT GOSWAMI says:

    Sir i am from Chamoli, Can i apply for other District Like, Almora , Pithoragarh.

  18. Shankar Lal says:

    sir lekhpal ho ya patwari ek dist me ek hi pad ke liye apply kar sakte hain kiya ……..???????

  19. is it inevitable to attest document by government office . do we same in lieu of self attest?

  20. anand dhoundiyal says:

    I just want to know can i apply because my graduation now continue in final year.
    Please tell me about this.

  21. Pooja Bisht says:

    Respected sir,
    I want to know that I have done my graduation in 2014, but I register my self today with employment exchange. Sir plz can I apply for the post. Plz reply

    1. As per eligibility conditions, registration should be before advertisement publication date.

      1. jagat negi says:

        Sir mene patwari ke liye apply kiya tha wut abhi tak koi call letter nahi aya hai please infome me kyo nahi aya hai 09599561160

      2. kamlesh kumar joshi says:

        Sir jinhone form fill nhi kiya hai vo bhi ab form bhar payenge .

      3. Yes, fresh candidates can also apply.

  22. Vijay Tamta says:

    Sir document self attested karne hai ya karwa hai officers se. Aur form mai Jo post card hai usme ticket aur add likhaba hai kewal.pls reply

  23. kabir Hussain says:

    sir , lekh pal k liye hight 168 sbhi disdrct m mangi h ? sir plz cnfrm krdjiye

  24. kavinder nishad says:

    lekh pal ki post pat jaruri hai 83 Cm Chest

  25. harshit negi says:

    Can anyonetell me the advertisement no.for nanital district?

  26. Akshat Verma says:

    i am pursuing last year can i apply for it.

  27. pradeep negi says:

    dear p sir….

    ky patwari / lekhpal ki exam date or physical exam ki date change hui h ky plz comfrm me.

  28. jagat negi says:

    Sir mene October 14 ko apply kar diya hai abhi tak call letter nahi aya hai ya fir admit card hi milega sidhe please contact me number 9599561160

  29. manmohan bora says:

    Hello ,
    I have submitted the form but I didn't attest the document by gazette officer will be any problem? Only self attese

  30. sandeep negi says:

    Sir plz confirm me ki iski date or aaage postpone hone ke chances hain kya sir plzzz let me clear..

  31. Pushpender Negi says:

    Dear All,
    Could any body tell me Haridwar Lekhpal Admit card distribute or not please let me clear anyone who have received haridwar admit card and waiting for know about.

    Thanks & Regards
    Pushpender negi

  32. Arun Saklani says:

    Selection k baad jo one year ka Training hai,useme bhi koi exam hai kya, I mean Training compleate karne ke baad direct joining hoti hai yaa phir Training Exam Clear karne k baad joining hai….?

  33. gaurav joshi says:

    Patware ka exam 22 may ko he h ya baad m.. Plz sir tell me plz

  34. Sir mera graduation complete ho chuka hai.
    Meri DOF 12 Aug 2000 hai
    Kya mai eligible hu …?

    1. You are not eligible by the age criteria.

  35. Sir patwari lekhpal ke pahle 513 posts the ab bad gye hain kya posts?

    1. Yes, you can check the updated information above.

  36. Sir mera final year result August last tak aayega Kya me patwari ya lekhpal ke liye aavedan kr sakta hu

    1. No, Graduation must be completed till the closing date of application.

  37. harish chandra says:

    yr samjh nahi aa raha hai ki form kaha se bhare kis site se bhare koi help kare batane ka please

    1. Check the latest updated information above.

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