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Uttarakhand Ayurved 224 Panchkarma Sahayak Recruitment

Uttarakhand Ayurved and Unani Services has invited applications for filling up the following 224 Vacancies of Panchkarma Sahayak (Technician) in Govt Ayurvedic Hospitals by direct recruitment. All eligible male and female candidates can apply for the Panchkarm Sahayak Vacancies on the paper application form downloaded from up to 28th Feb 2025. Uttarakhand Ayurved Panchkarma Sahayak Recruitment like application form, vacancy details, salary, eligibility criteria, selection process, required documents etc info is given below.

Uttarakhand Panchkarma Sahayak Vacancies

आयुर्वेदिक एवं यूनानी सेवा विभाग उत्तराखण्ड के अधीन राज्य के राजकीय आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सालयों में आयुर्वेदिक पंचकर्म सहायक (Panchkarma Technician) के रिक्त 112 महिला व 112 पुरुष अर्थात कुल 224 रिक्त पदों पर नियुक्ति हेतु पात्र अभ्यर्थियों से आवेदन पत्र आमंत्रित किये गए हैं।

Pay Scale – Rs 5200-20200 (Pay Matrix Level-4).

Total Number of Vacancies – 224 Posts (Male-112 and Female-112)

Panchkarma Sahayak (Male) Vacancy Details:
Unreserved Category – 59 Vacancies
EWS Category – 11 Vacancies

OBC Category – 16 Vacancies
SC Category – 21 Vacancies
ST Category – 05 Vacancies

Panchkarma Sahayak (Female) Vacancy Details:
Unreserved Category – 59 Vacancies
EWS Category – 11 Vacancies
OBC Category – 16 Vacancies
SC Category – 21 Vacancies
ST Category – 05 Vacancies

See also: Uttarakhand Samuh G Recruitment Group C Vacancies

Age Limit – 18 to 42 Years as on 01st July 2024. Relaxation in upper age limit for SC, ST, OBC and Other Categories is applicable as per Govt rules.

Educational Qualification – 12th Pass in Science (Biology Group) from Uttarakhand/ Uttar Pradesh Board or equivalent examination pass and 01 year Diploma of Ayurvedic Panchkarma Sahayak (Technician) from any institute recognized by Uttarakhand Govt. Candidate must be registered in the Indian Medical Council Uttarakhand.

To be eligible to apply for the posts of Panchkarm Sahayak (Group C), candidate must have been registered in any employment office located in the state of Uttarakhand before the date of publication of advertisement.

Preferential Qualification – Preference will be given to those candidates who have completed minimum 02 years of service in Territorial Army OR who have NCC B or C Certificate.

See also: UKMSSB Technician Recruitment and Exam Syllabus (79 Posts)

Ayurved Panchkarma Sahayak Selection Process

Selection of candidates will be carried out through the Selection Committee on the basis of performance in diploma exam (the merit list will be prepared year-wise). Document verification (counselling) date, time and place for the post of Panchkarma Assistant will be informed through the official website.

The selection process will be completed as per the provisions contained in Uttarakhand Ayurvedic Panchkarm Sahayak (Technician) Service Rules 2015 and Uttarakhand Ayurvedic Panchkarma Sahayak (Technician) (Amendment) Service Rules 2016 promulgated by Uttarakhand Government.

See also: Uttarakhand Ayurvedic Pharmacist Recruitment for 71 Posts

Application Form, Required Documents and Notification

Eligible and desirous candidates are required to submit their application form for the Uttarakhand Ayurved Panchkarma Sahayak Technician Vacancies on the prescribed format (offline) downloaded from the official website through the direct link below.

You will have to send your application form complete in all respect along with 02 self-addressed envelopes of 25×12 Cms size affixed registered postal stamps and attested copies of following required documents by Registered Post/ Speed Post to the “Director of Ayurved and Unani Services Uttarakhand, Danda Lakhond, Sahastradhara Road, near IT Park, Dehradun” or “निदेशक आयुर्वेदिक एवं यूनानी सेवायें उत्तराखण्ड, डाण्डा लखौण्ड, सहस्त्रघारा रोड, निकट आईटी पार्क, देहरादून” so as to reach on or before the last date.

Required Documents – You will have to attach attested photocopies of the following required documents with Panchkarma Sahayak application form:

  • Caste/ Reservation certificate (issued by competent authority and valid on date of application).
  • High-school/ Intermediate Certificate and Mark sheet.
  • Certificate and mark sheet of Uttarakhand Ayurvedic Panchkarm Sahayak Diploma (Certified by Principal of concerned College).
  • Valid Registration Certificate of Medical Council of India, Uttarakhand.
  • Permanent residence/ domicile certificate.
  • Registration certificate of the Employment Office of Uttarakhand State.
  • Two Character certificates (issued by Gazetted Officers).
  • Original Bank Challan of requisite fee.
  • Two self-addressed envelopes of 25×12 Cms size affixed with registered postal stamps.
  • Other qualification certificates (if any).

Application fee:
GEN/ OBC candidates will have to pay Rs 150/- in the form of Bank Challan deposited in the name of “लेखाशीर्षक 0210-चिकित्सा तथा लोक स्वास्थ्य, 01 शहरी स्वास्थ्य सेवायें, 800-अन्य प्राप्तियां, 10-अन्य प्रकीर्ण प्राप्तियां आयुर्वेदिक”.

Important Dates:
Date of publication of advertisement – 23rd December 2024
Last date of receipt of application form – 28th February 2025 (05 PM)

For application form and other details about the latest Uttarakhand Ayurved Panchkarma Sahayak Recruitment, you can download the official Notification (Vigyapan) in pdf format.

See also: Uttarakhand Homeopathic Department Pharmacist Vacancies

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8 Comments on "Uttarakhand Ayurved 224 Panchkarma Sahayak Recruitment"

  1. Deepa Pandey says:

    Hi Team,

    I am Candidate from the first batch 2013-14 and I am applying for the post of Uttrakhand panchkarma sahayak
    where I have to pay Rs 150/- in the form of bank challan in the name of 0210-01-800-10

    And I am using online IFMS Uttrakhand app/Website for e challan and when I searched and selecting the Department as “Director Ayurved”-
    District related officer for which challan is to be deposited as “District  Ayurvedic Unani officerDehradun-(Dehradun)”
    Services as “0210-Medical and Public Health” after that should I have to select
    “0210018001000: Other miscellaneous reciept, ayurvedic”
    Or do I need to select a different option ?
    So, can you please guide me if I am following wrong.


  2. Deepa Pandey says:

    Hi Good morning All,

    I have attasted school marksheet and certificate from vice principal of Delhi govt school, so can you please confirm whether vice principal considered as gazetted officer for this Panchkarma sahay Post?

    1. It is not mentioned in the advertisement that the said documents should be attested by a gazetted officer.

  3. sir jo vacancy hai usme jo address diya hai pin code nhi de rkha hai usme ..plz sir bta 248001. hai ya 248013 hai

    1. It should be 248013, but due to no response from the department it could not be confirmed.

  4. Deepa Pandey says:

    Hi Sir,

    I have posted all documents to the below address but I have mentioned pincode as 248001

    AddressDirector of Unani Services, Uttarakhand, Danda, Lokhandwala, Sahastradhara
    Road, IT Park
    so is this incorrect?
    And will I have to send again all the documents?

  5. kis Year tak selection ho raha h is panchkarma technician vacancy me general category ke Candidate or sc candidate ke candidate kis year tak ke select ho skte h sir or 2018 wale ho skte h select kya sc me

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