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Tag: UKPSC (Page 3/5)

UKPSC and UKSSSC Exam Calendar 2025-2026 (समूह ग और अन्य)

UKPSC and UKSSSC has released New Exam Calendar with proposed exam date and vigyapan publication date. The exams mentioned in the calendar issued by both the commissions have been updated here with necessary amendments. All aspirants may check here the…

UKPSC वन आरक्षी भर्ती 894 Forest Guard Uttarakhand

UKPSC has changed the Uttarakhand Van Arakshi (Forest Guard) written exam date and now decided to conduct the exam on 09th April 2023 across the state. Earlier online applications were invited by the commission in Oct-Nov for filling up the…

UKPSC सहायक लेखाकार भर्ती | Exam Syllabus (822 Vacancies)

UKPSC invited online applications (re-opened) for filling up the following 822 Vacancies of Sahayak Lekhakar and Lekha Parikshak in various departments of the state of Uttarakhand. All eligible candidates can apply online for the Assistant Accountant/ Auditor Vacancies through the…

UKPSC जेल बंदी रक्षक भर्ती 261 Warder Posts Uttarakhand

UKPSC invited online applications for filling up the following 261 Vacancies of Warder (जेल बंदीरक्षक) or Guard (Male and Female) in Uttarakhand Karagar Vibhag. All eligible 12th Pass candidates can apply online for the Uttarakhand Jail Bandi Rakshak Bharti Vacancies…

UKPSC Uttarakhand Patwari Lekhpal Recruitment 563 Posts

UKPSC invited online applications for filling up the following 563 Vacancies of Patwari and Lekhpal (Revenue Sub Inspector/ RSI) in various districts under the Uttarakhand Rajaswa Vibhag. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the UK Patwari/…

UKPSC Uttarakhand Assistant Engineer 154 AE Vacancies

Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) invites online applications from eligible candidates for filling up the following 154 Vacancies of Assistant Engineer (AE) in various departments through the Combined State Engineering Service Exam. All eligible candidates can apply online for the…