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Tag: Driver (Page 4/4)

MES Draftsman Driver Chowkidar 456 Vacancies 2015-16

Military Engineer Services (MES), Ministry of Defence, Govt of India invites applications for filling up the following 456 Vacancies under MES Group C & Group D Recruitment. Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed format for Assistant Draughtsman, Supervisor B/S,…

ITBP Constable Driver Written Test Answer key Result

Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force ITBP has released Constable Driver Admit Card or qualified candidates list for Height Bar, Race & Physical Standard Test (PST) for recruitment of Constable Driver 2015. The tests under Phase 1st PET/PST will be commenced from…

GBPIHED Almora Jobs 2013- Apply for Clerk, Driver & Group C Posts

G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development (GBPIHED), Almora invites applications for the following posts: Lower Division Clerk: 01 (UR) Pay Scale: PB-1 Rs. 5200-20200, Grade Pay Rs. 1900/- Age Limit: Maximum 28 Years Educational Qualification: SSC passed or…