Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 6/27)

ITBP Animal Transport Recruitment 115 Constable 2024-2025
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invited applications for filling up the following 115 Vacancies of Constable (Animal Transport) or CT (AT) by direct recruitment. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the ITBP Animal Transport Bharti Vacancies…

ITBP Hindi Translator Sub Inspector Recruitment 2024-2025
ITBP invited applications for filling up the following 17 Vacancies of Sub Inspector (Hindi Translator) Group B by direct recruitment. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the ITBP Hindi Translator Vacancies through recruitment.itbpolice.nic.in from 28th Jul…

ITBP Constable Tradesman Recruitment 194 Posts 2024-2025
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invited applications for filling up the following 194 Vacancies of Constable Tradesman (Tailor, Cobbler, Barber, Safai Karmachari and Gardener). All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the ITBP Tradesman Bharti Vacancies through…

Indian Army SSC Tech Men and Women Entry 2025
Indian Army invites applications for the following 381 Vacancies against SSC (Tech) Men and SSC (Tech) Women Course commencing in October 2025 for grant of Short Service Commission. All eligible male and female candidates can apply online for the SSC…

ITBP HC ESC Recruitment Education and Stress Counsellor
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invites applications for filling up the following 112 Vacancies of Head Constable (Education and Stress Counsellor) or HC ESC by direct recruitment. All eligible male and female Indian citizens can apply online for the ITBP…

ITBP Paramedical Staff Recruitment SI ASI HC 2024-2025
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invited applications for filling up the following Group B and Group C Vacancies of SI Staff Nurse, ASI Pharmacist and Head Constable (Midwife). All eligible male and female Indian citizens can apply online for the…