Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 26/27)

MES Mate Electrician FGM Mechanic 241 Vacancies 2015-16
Military Engineer Services (MES) invites applications for filling up the following 241 Vacancies of Mate in the trade of Electrician, Fitter General Mechanic (FGM), Carpenter, Refrigerator Mechanic & Air Conditioning, Painter, Mason, Fitter Pipe and Vehicle/Mechanic. The vacant posts of…

MES Draftsman Driver Chowkidar 456 Vacancies 2015-16
Military Engineer Services (MES), Ministry of Defence, Govt of India invites applications for filling up the following 456 Vacancies under MES Group C & Group D Recruitment. Eligible candidates may apply in the prescribed format for Assistant Draughtsman, Supervisor B/S,…

ITBP Constable Driver Written Test Answer key Result
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force ITBP has released Constable Driver Admit Card or qualified candidates list for Height Bar, Race & Physical Standard Test (PST) for recruitment of Constable Driver 2015. The tests under Phase 1st PET/PST will be commenced from…

BSF Recruitment 2015 for Constable Daftry Vacancies
Border Security Force BSF invites applications in the prescribed format from eligible Male & Female candidates for filling up the following vacancies of Constable Daftry. Latest information related to BSF Constable Daftry Vacancies 2015 as pay scale, number of vacancies,…

ITBP Exam Admit Card, Answer Key, Result Updates
Indo-Tibetan Border Police Force ITBP will hold the written exam of Constable Animal Transport on 10th May, 2015 for recruitment of Constable Animal Transport 2014-2015. Admit Card or qualified candidates list has been released for the written exam. All candidates…

Army Medical Corps Recruitment 2015 for 400 Vacancies
Armed Forces Medical Services invites online applications from eligible male and female candidates to join Army Medical Corps as Short Service Commissioned (SSC) Officer. Army Medical Corps Recruitment 2015 has total 400 vacancies for grant of Short Service Commission in…