Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 24/27)

J&K Bharti Rally BSF, CISF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB Constable Vacancies
Border Security Force (BSF) released recruitment rally notice for filling up the following 1000 Vacancies of Constable GD in BSF, CISF, CRPF, ITBP, SSB and Assam Rifles. All eligible Male & Female candidates may apply for Constable GD Recruitment Rally…

Army 33 FAD Civilian Tradesman Fireman Recruitment 444 Jobs
Indian Army has released the recruitment notice for filling up the following 444 Vacancies in 33 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD). Applications are invited for recruitment to the posts of Fireman, Tradesman Mate, Painter and Safaiwala under Ministry of Defence, 33…

CISF HC Ministerial Written Exam Answer key and Result 2016
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) conducted the Written Exam of Head Constable Ministerial on 29 May, 05 June and 12 June 2016. CISF HC Ministerial Written Answer key and Result will be available online after official declaration. All candidates who…

COD Kanpur Ordnance Depot Tradesman Fireman 270 Jobs
Indian Army has issued recruitment notice for filling up the following 270 Vacancies in Central Ordnance Depot Kanpur under Ministry of Defence. All eligible candidates may apply for COD Kanpur Vacancies 2016-17 for the posts of LDC, Material Assistant, Pharmacist,…

MES All Commands CMD Chowkidar Peon SK 463 Jobs 2016
Military Engineer Services (MES) invited applications for recruitment to following 463 Vacancies of Civil Motor Driver (CMD), Chowkidar, Safaiwala, Meter Reader, Caneman, Store Keeper (SK) and Peon. These 463 Vacancies will be filled under MES Northern Command (NC), Central Command…

Army 31 FAD Tradesman Fireman Civilian 102 Jobs 2016
Indian Army has released a recruitment notice for recruitment of civilian posts in 31 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD). Applications are invited for filling up the following 102 Vacancies of Fireman and Tradesman Mate under Ministry of Defence, 31 FAD. Eligible…