Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 23/27)

Join Indian Army JAG Entry Scheme 21st Course October 2018
Indian Army invites applications for the JAG 21st Course Oct 2018 for Grant of Short Service Commission for Judge Advocate General Department. JAG 21st Course commencing in October 2018 at Officers Training Academy (OTA), Chennai (TN) has total 14 vacancies….

SSB Communication 872 Head Constable ASI SI Recruitment 2017
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) invited applications for filling up the following 872 Vacancies of Head Constable (HC), Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) & Sub Inspector (SI) under Communication Cadre. All eligible Male candidates may apply for SSB Communication Vacancies of HC/…

MEG Centre Bangalore Recruitment Civilian Group C Posts
Indian Army released an employment notice for the recruitment of following 72 Vacancies of Defence Civilian (Group C) at HQ Madras Engineer Group & Centre Bangalore. All eligible candidates can apply for the MEG Centre Bharti for Lascar, Cook, Multi…

17 FAD Ludhiana Recruitment Tradesman LDC 115 Vacancies
Indian Army released notification for filling up the following 115 Vacancies in 17 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD) C/o 56 APO. Eligible Indian Citizens may apply for 17 FAD Vacancies of Tradesman (Mate), Fireman, Material Assistant (SS) & LDC in the…

Army Education Havildar Physical Test Dates and Venue 2017
Indian Army has released Education Havildar Physical Test Dates and Venue for ZRO Bangalore, Chennai, Danapur, Jabalpur, Jalandhar, Kolkata, Pune and Shillong. All the candidates who have applied for Indian Army Education Havildar Recruitment may check here Physical test dates…

KRC Ranikhet Territorial Army Rally Various States TA Bharti
111 Infantry Battalion (Territorial Army) Kumaon will organize a Recruitment rally for eligible candidates from Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand State. The TA Bharti Rally will be organized from 18 to 23 October 2016 at…