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Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 22/27)

Punjab Regimental Centre Ramgarh Cantt Tradesman Vacancies

Indian Army released a notification for filling up the following vacancies in Punjab Regimental Centre, Ramgarh Cantt (Jharkhand) under Ministry of Defence. Eligible Indian Citizens may apply for Punjab Regimental Centre Vacancies of Tradesman Cook, Barber, Bootmaker & Washerman in…

Indian Navy SSR AA MR Admit Card, Result, Merit List 2019-2020

Indian Navy scheduled to conduct the recruitment tests for Senior Secondary Recruit (SSR), Artificer Apprentice (AA) and Matric Recruit (MR) Entry Course. The exams will be conducted for SSR (08/2019 Batch Aug 2019), AA (146 Batch Aug 2019) and MR…

Army 15 FAD Recruitment Tradesman Mate LDC 201 Vacancies

Indian Army 15 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD) invited applications for 201 Vacancies of Tradesman, Fireman, LDC, Material Assistant, Motor Driver, Steno, Tele Operator and Safaiwala. It’s a combined recruitment for 1 FOD, 15FAD, Northern Command Vehicle Depot, Ordnance Transit Group,…

18 FAD Recruitment Tradesman LDC Mtrl Asst 154 Vacancies

Indian Army released notification for recruitment of 154 Civilian Vacancies in 18 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD) C/o 56 APO, PIN 909718. Eligible Indian Citizens may apply for 18 FAD Vacancies of Tradesman Mate, LDC and Material Assistant (Mtrl Asst) in…

CAFVD Central AFV Depot Kirkee Pune Recruitment Vacancies

Indian Army released notification for filling up the following 75 Vacancies in Central AFV Depot (CAFVD) Kirkee, Pune (Maharashtra) under Group C. Eligible Indian Citizens may apply for CAFVD Vacancies of LDC, Material Assistant, Cook, Tradesman and MTS (Safaiwala, Gardener,…

CRPF CT Technical Tradesmen Recruitment 2945 Jobs 2017

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) invites applications for 2945 Vacancies of Constable (Technical & Tradesmen) in the trade of Driver, Fitter, Bugler, Tailor, Brass Band, Pipe Band, Cobbler, Carpenter, Gardner, Painter, Cook, Water Carrier, Safai Karmchari, Barber, Washer Men and…