Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 20/27)

CISF Fireman Selection Process, Physical and Exam Pattern
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) has released recruitment notice to conduct the Constable Fire selection process at various recruitment centers. Candidates preparing for CISF Constable Fire Recruitment may check here the selection procedure details as Physical (Height, Chest, Weight), Documentation,…

Indian Navy NE States SSR MR Entry Special Recruitment 2018
Indian Navy invited applications from eligible candidates belonging to Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Sikkim for Senior Secondary Recruits (SSR) and Matric Recruits (MR) 01/2018 Batch. All eligible unmarried Male candidates from these North Eastern (NE) States may…

Army Supply Depot 313 Coy ASC Recruitment Tradesman Fireman
Indian Army has released notification for recruitment of various civilian posts for 313 Coy ASC (Supply) under HQ Eastern Command (EC). Applications are invited for filling up the following vacancies of Tradesman Mate, Fireman, Cook, Fire Engine Driver, Tin Smith,…

Army 21 FAD Recruitment Fireman Tradesman MTS 142 Vacancies
Indian Army has released combined recruitment notice for filling 142 Vacancies in 2 Field Ordnance Depot (FOD), 21 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD), 19 Inf Div Ord Unit, 28 Ammunition Coy and 28 Mtn Div Ord Unit. All eligible candidates may…

39 FAD Bharatpur Recruitment Tradesman Fireman 323 Vacancies
39 Field Ammunition Depot (FAD) invited applications for filling up the following 323 Vacancies of Tradesman Mate and Fireman under Ministry of Defence. Eligible Indian Citizens may apply for 39 FAD Vacancies in the prescribed application form. 39 Field Ammunition…

EME Roorkee Haridwar Recruitment Civilian Group C Vacancies
Indian Army, Station Workshop EME Roorkee (Haridwar) invited applications for filling up the following Group C vacancies of Cook, Washerman, MTS (Safaiwala & Chowkidar) and Tradesman Mate. Eligible Indian Citizens may apply for EME Roorkee Vacancies in the prescribed application…