Tag: Defence Jobs (Page 18/27)

Army HQ Eastern Command Recruitment Civilian Vacancies 2019
Indian Army, HQ Eastern Command (Adm), PIN 908542, C/O 99 APO invited applications for civilian vacancies of Messenger, Safaiwala, Barber, Cook, Washerman, Gardener and Mazdoor. All eligible candidates can apply for the HQ Eastern Command Vacancies of Tradesman in the…

ITBP Veterinary Head Constable Recruitment 2024-2025
Indo Tibetan Border Police Force invited online applications for recruitment to the following 09 Vacancies of Head Constable (Dresser Veterinary) or HC (VET) by direct recruitment. All eligible Indian citizens can apply online for the ITBP HC Dresser Veterinary Bharti…

Indian Navy SSC Logistic IT Law Sub Lieutenant Vacancy 2019
Indian Navy invited applications for Short Service Commission (SSC) in Executive Branch (Logistic and Law Cadre) and Information Technology Specialisation. The course of Short Service Commission Officers (Sub Lieutenant) will commence from July 2019 at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala,…

SSB Paramedical 181 SI ASI Head Constable Recruitment
Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) invites applications for filling up the following 181 Vacancies of Paramedical (SI Staff Nurse, ASI Pharmacist, OT Technician, Dental Technician, Radiographer), ASI Steno and HC. Male and female candidates are eligible to apply online for the…

CISF Tradesman Exam Date, Admit Card, Answer Key, Result 2018
Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) scheduled to conduct the Written Exam for recruitment in the post of Constable Tradesman (CT TM) on 29 July 2018. All candidates appearing for CISF Tradesman Written Exam for the posts of Barber, Boot Maker,…

COD Delhi Cantt Recruitment Fireman MTS and Other Vacancies
Indian Army issued a notification for recruitment to the following civilian vacancies for Central Ordnance Depot (COD) Delhi Cantt, C/O 56 APO. All eligible Indian citizens may apply for COD Delhi Cantt Vacancies for the posts of Fireman, Material Assistant,…