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SDSUV Exam Date Sheet B.A, B.Sc, B.Com and PG 2022-2023

Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University (SDSUV), Badshahithaul, Tehri Garhwal has released the Scheme or Date Sheet or Time table for Regular/ Private/ Ex Student/ Semester Exam. The exams for B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, PG and other courses (New and Old Syllabus) will be conducted during Sep-Oct 2022. SDSUV Exam Date Sheet 2022-2023 for Regular/ Private/ Ex/ Back/ Semester students of UG, PG, Professional Courses (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc Year or Sem) can be downloaded directly through the links below.

Sri Dev Suman University (SDSUV) Exam Date Sheet

Check the latest information about SDSUV Exam Online form Regular/ Private for B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, M.A, M.Com like fee, form submission process, last date, exam date sheet, scheme, admit card etc on the link below.
See Also: SDSUV Exam Form B.A B.Sc B.Com M.A M.Com Online 2022-2023

SDSUV Professional Course Exam Date Sheet:
SDSUV Professional Course Date Sheet released for PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication, PG Diploma in Yogic Science, Bachelor of Physical Education and Sports, Diploma in Hotel Management, Bachelor of Hospital Administration, Master of Library Science (01 Year Course), Master of Public Health, Bachelor of Library Science (01 Year Course), PG Diploma in Fitness and Sports Management, PG Diploma in Water Sanitation and Hygiene, Diploma in Yoga (Yearly Course).

SDSUV Exam Date Sheet released for B.Sc Agriculture, B.Sc Forestry, B.Sc Horticulture, BBA, BCA, B.Sc (IT), B.Sc Computer Science, B.Sc Fisheries Science (Aquaculture), BHM, B.Sc Fashion Design, B.Sc Animation & Multimedia, M.Sc Horticulture, M.Sc Fisheries Science (Aquaculture), M.A Drawing and Painting, M.P.Ed, B.P.Ed, B.Sc Food Technology, B.Sc Bio-Technology, Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication, BA (Honours) Journalism, BA Tourism Management, B.Sc Home Science, BA Yoga, B.Sc (AME), DHM, BFA and B.Ed.

SDSUV Exam Date Sheet released for M.Sc Horticulture/ Fisheries Science (Aquaculture), M.Sc Agriculture, MA Yoga/ Mass Communication, M.Sc Home Science, BHA, MHA, Master of Public Health, B.Sc Biotechnology, BA Tourism Management, B.P.Ed, M.P.Ed, B.Sc Home Science, BFA, Bachelor of Fashion Design, BPES, BA (Honours) Journalism/ BJMC, BBA, Bachelor of Library Science (Yearly), Master of Library and Information Science (Yearly), BBA (HM), B.Sc Computer Science/ IT/ BCA, PGD (Yoga/ Business Accounting & Taxation/ Fitness and Sports Management), PGD (Water Sanitation & Hygiene/ Packaging Science & Printing Technology), MA (Hindi/ Political Science/ Education/ Psychology).

You can download combined date sheet for the above Professional Courses (Regular/ Private/ Semester/ Back/ Ex-Students) released by SDSUV through the links below (updated regularly).

SDSUV UG PG Regular/ Private/ Ex/ Semester Exam 2022:
SDSUV Even Semester Exams for PG (MA, MSc, MCom) 2nd/ 4th Sem and UG (BA, BSc, BCom, BCom Hons) 2nd/ 4th/ 6th Sem are scheduled to be conducted between 22nd September to 19th October 2022. As per the latest programme, Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University Examination for BA, BSc, BCom, MA, MSc and MCom (Main and Improvement) will be conducted as follows:

M.A/ M.Sc/ M.Com (2nd Semester) – 22nd Sep to 30th Sep 2022
M.A/ M.Sc/ M.Com (4th Semester) – 22nd Sep to 10th Oct 2022
B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.Com Hons (2nd Sem) – 22nd Sep to 19th Oct 2022
B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.Com Hons (4th Sem) – 22nd Sep to 18th Oct 2022
B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com/ B.Com Hons (6th Sem) – 22nd Sep to 18th Oct 2022
B.Ed 1st/2nd Year (Back Paper) – from 08th Sep 2022
BA, BSc and BCom 1st/2nd/3rd Year
BA, BSc and BCom 3rd Year (Regular/ Private/ Ex)
M.A/ M.Com 2nd Year (Private)
B.Ed Integrated Course 1st Semester
B.Ed Integrated Course 2nd Semester
B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com (1st Semester)
B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com (3rd Semester)
B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com (5th Semester)
M.A/ M.Sc/ M.Com (1st Semester)
M.A/ M.Sc/ M.Com (3rd Semester)

Examination Timing (Revised):
PG 2nd Semester – 11.00 AM to 01.30 PM
PG 4th Semester – 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM
UG 2nd Semester – 07.30 AM to 10.00 AM
UG 4th Semester – 11.00 AM to 01.30 PM
UG 6th Semester – 02.30 PM to 05.00 PM

Download SDSUV Exam Date Sheet (UG, PG and Professional Course):

Even Semester Exam Date Sheet released on 12th September for MA, MSc, MCom (2nd/ 4th Sem) and BA, BSc, BCom, BCom Hons (2nd/ 4th/ 6th Sem), can be downloaded below.
MA/ MSc/ MCom (2nd Semester)
MA/ MSc/ MCom (4th Semester)
BA/ BSc/ BCom/ BCom Hons (2nd Sem)
BA/ BSc/ BCom/ BCom Hons (4th Sem)
BA/ BSc/ BCom/ BCom Hons (6th Sem)

Exam Date Sheet released on 22nd June for B.A, B.Sc and B.Com 3rd Year (Regular/ Private/ Ex Student) Old Syllabus, can be downloaded below.
Download Examination Date Sheet

SDSUV Exam Date Sheet released on 04th June for BA, BSc and BCom for 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd Year (Regular) New Syllabus 2021-22 is available to download below.
Download Examination Date Sheet

SDSUV Exam Date Sheet released in April 2022 for M.A/ M.Sc/ M.Com 1st/3rd Semester and B.A/ B.Sc/ B.Com 1st/3rd/5th Semester (Main and Improvement) is available to download below.
Download Examination Date Sheet

Odd Semester Examination Date Sheet (Revised) April-May 2022 for B.Sc Microbiology, PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication, PG Diploma In Yogic Science, M.Sc (Agriculture) Plant Pathology, B.Sc Forestry, B.Sc Home Science, B.Sc (Hons) Biotechnology, B.Sc Biotechnology, BA (Yoga) and Master of Fine Art (Painting/ Applied).
Download Examination Date Sheet

Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University Exam combined Date Sheet/ Scheme/ Time Table released for B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, M.Sc, M.Com, M.A, B.Ed and B.Ed Integrated Course Semester/ Regular/ Private/ Ex for Sanskrit, Hindi, English, Political Science, Sociology, Philosophy, Geography, History, Education, Psychology, Home Science, Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Computer Science, Maths etc subjects will available to download shortly.

SDSUV Exam Admit Card and Result:
Sri Dev Suman University (SDSUV) Exam Admit Card download links and SDSUV Results for UG, PG and Professional Courses (B.A, B.Sc, B.Com, M.A, M.Sc, M.Com, B.Com Honours, BFA etc) will be updated on the links below. Stay connected for any latest updates related to SDSUV Exam Date Sheet, Admit Card and SDSUV Result 2022-2023 declared by www.sdsuv.ac.in.
SDSUV Exam Admit Card 2022-2023
SDSUV Exam Result Updates 2022-2023
Search any information available on this site by the help of the search box above. You may visit later for other latest updates related to Sri Dev Suman University Exam Date Sheet, Private/ Regular/ Semester Exam, SDSUV Scheme, Time Table etc.

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61 Comments on "SDSUV Exam Date Sheet B.A, B.Sc, B.Com and PG 2022-2023"

  1. Monika Rawat says:

    thank u sir for helping us

    1. Hello sir,
      Sir B.A. Final yr form kab tak aynge …

  2. ajay nautiyal says:

    i want to know about bcom date sheet exam…? And when will be exam going on…. june of month or may …? bcom 1st year

  3. Monika Chauhan says:

    i just want to know about the m.com second year admit card detail and date sheet

  4. Banti Negi says:

    i just want to know about the b.com first year admit card detail and exam date sheet

  5. Sir send me date sheet of m.com 2nd year private plzzz

  6. Atul Kapruwan says:

    Sir mera admit card me subject complete nhi h….aur name ki spelling bhi galat hai..sir muje kya karna hoga??please contect me …Name: Atul Kapruwan BA – part 2

    1. @Atul Kapruwan, please contact your college exam controller.

  7. Rinku Sahani says:

    Hello Sir can you help me that how can i find my admit card for BA Part-3 (private) from Sri Dev Suman Vishwavidhalya Tehri..

    1. Admit Card related information will be updated soon. Stay connected & check back later.

  8. sid Kotiyal says:

    sir b.sc 1st year walo ka result kV aa RHA h 2015

  9. Ambika Bhandari says:

    could I know the result of M.Com. first year. My roll no. is 768.

  10. Rupali verma says:

    i did not seen result of ma sociology 2015 could u please tell me about it

  11. hello sir kyaaa BA 1ST yr mein abi admission mil sakta hai….plzzzz mere 3 saal khrab ho gye..tabiyat khrab thi isliye….ab private krna h….kya krna padega admission krne k liye
    bata do plzzzz help me….

  12. jay kohli says:

    sir b.com 1st year ke backpaper form kab se fill honge

  13. Anil rawat says:

    my roll no 30033924 not show

  14. gaurav bisht says:

    b.com 1st year datesheet 2016

  15. diksha behl says:

    Hello if there is last yr's student of b.com 1st yr can tell me the correct syllabus if b.com 1st yr coz the datesheet is showing 4 group subjects but in actual there are only 3 group..plz hlp if u can.

  16. vineet rawat says:

    Sir my mcom final results 2016 from sdsuv are out. But my roll no 1413910037 is not showing.. It is saying " No record Found". Please help me out

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    With Warm regards,

    Vineet Rawat

  17. Pradeep Jethuri says:

    Sir private candidates k exam bhi 29 april sai start hai kya

  18. Sir private Bcom second year ki date sheet Kb realize hogi

    1. B.Com 2nd year (Private) date sheet has been released, download the combined date sheet from the link given above.

      1. Sir will there be bcom 2 year exams this year ?? Or it’s just for first and second year for yearly basis

  19. sir..i need to know that from 2018 onwards how we can take admission of B.A second year as we know that sri dev suman university will no more conduct private graduation process .
    please clear my issue…

  20. kiran bahuguna says:

    Dear sir ,
    I would like to fill up my B A 3 year form … but i was trying to find out that form as online but i could not find it.. kindly help me

    1. To submit the SDSUV online form you should follow all the instructions as given here.

  21. VIPIN PANWAR says:

    sir mera 2nd ka admit card kho gya hai muje b.a final krna hai to muje rollnumber kaise milega 2nd ka

    1. Check your 2nd year mark sheet

  22. Kiran Kala says:

    M.a hindi second years ke paper kab se hain

  23. how to download admit card of PG MA….?

  24. Sir ! what is the date of Viva voce in History…?

  25. Shivani bhandari says:

    Sir plz tell me the date of viva in m.com final

  26. M.a 2nd yr k private political science k Viva date kese pta kre sir..m

    1. There isn’t any notice officially regarding the Viva, you should contact your college.

  27. Sir can you provide me sdsu ba 3yr private old question paer

  28. M.com ka Viva date kaise pta kre plz help me..

  29. Sir b com ka viva ki date kb h

  30. Sir sociology ka viva KB h ma 2nd year

  31. Sir MA first year ki date sheet a gyi h ky ??? Pls btaye exam dates.

  32. Sir m.com 3rd semester examknation date sheet kb aayegi 2018_2019

  33. B.com first sem ki date sheet kb aayegi sir

  34. sir how can i download the marksheet for the m.com private final year for the year 2016-17 from where i can get my marksheet

    1. You should contact to your college.

  35. Sachin bisht says:

    Sir me sachin bisht hu mujhe BA1 semestr ke exam time teble ke bare me janana tha

  36. sir BA 3rd year exam ki date kab aygi plz tell me

  37. Ritesh Singh says:

    Respectfully sir
    Please may I know that in which date sdsuv ba final year admit card will be upload on website

  38. Dheeraj Verma says:

    Hi, got the b.com final year result today however there are marks of only 3 subjects whereas on others there are marks of 4 subjects.

  39. sahil ahmad says:

    Sir enrollment Ka back paper hota hai ya nhi

  40. Sir,iam the msc student from sridev suman university.Sir,i request u to give the proper gap in our exams. At least 2 days gap in each paper..

  41. Sir what about our 3rd semester exams of MA

  42. अंकुल कुमार says:

    सर m.a. फर्स्ट ईयर सोशलॉजी की डेट शीट कहां पर खोजें

  43. सर,
    बी0ए0 तृतीय वर्ष व्यक्तिगत (privete) के फार्म कब से भरे जाएंगे ।
    Please reply

  44. Ba private final year 2020 k paper kab sai h

  45. Meenakshi rawat says:

    Hello SIR,I’m Meenakshi Rawat I am in currently in 4th semester exam not held so we promoted to the 5th semester but i have back in 2th semester so i have to give back exam in this month ?

  46. md tasleem says:

    Sir, if a person is stuck in the time course of the exam, then he can not give the exam then he can give the back exam to that person or will have to give the exam in the new year.

  47. Shri dev suman university .BA mai admission lena hai 3 years gap hai…BA mai admission mil skta hai…..?

  48. Inderjeet Kaur says:

    Sir, can you please let me know when will be BBA 2019-22 batch last semester result will come ?

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