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UKPSC JE Civil Syllabus

Check the latest UKPSC JE Civil Syllabus for Paper-1 (General Civil Engineering) and Paper-2 (Water Resources Engineering) Exam as provided by the Commission.

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Paper-1 (General Civil Engineering)

Exam Type: Objective (MCQ), Questions: 180 (02 marks each), M. Marks: 360 and Time: 03 Hours.


(a) Strength of materials and theory of structures:
1. Effect of a force, tension and compression, free body diagram, virtual work, force distribution system.
2. Principle of energy, conservation of energy and momentum, rotation of rigid bodies about fixed axis, mass moment of inertia.

3. Stresses and strains: Types of stresses and strains, Definition of tension, compression, shear, bending, torsion, volumetric and lateral strain, Poisson’s ratio, Hooke’s law.
4. Bending moment and shear force: Types of beam, simply supported, cantilever, fixed, overhanging and continuous beams.
5. Analysis of trusses, slope and deflection of beams.
6. Columns and struts: Long columns, short columns & struts, slenderness ratio.
7. Torsion: Circular shaft, combined bending, torsion and axial thrust, strength of hollow and solid shaft.

(b) Design of reinforced concrete structures:
1. Design based on working stress method Flexural strength shear strength and bond strength of a singly reinforced RCC beam.
2. Design of lintels, Design of a Cantilever beam and slab. Design of doubly reinforced concrete beam.
3. Design of RCC slab, design of one way and two way slabs.
4. Design of Reinforced brick beams, slab & lintels, design of T-beams.
5. Design of columns and column footings, cantilever retaining walls.
6.Components of (i) overhead water tank and (ii) Multistoreyed framed structures.
7. Introduction to design based on limit state method.
8. Prestressed concrete.

(c) Steel and Machinery structures:
1. Tension and Compression members in steel.
2. Design of steel of steel beams.
3. Design of simple column bases.
4. Design of simple trusses and purlins.
5. Design of masonry retaining walls.
6. Design of masonry wall foundation.

(d) Building estimates & coating, construction management, account & entrepreneurship development.


(a) Soil mechanics and foundation engineering:
1. Fundamental terms and their relationships.
2. Classification and identification of soils.
3. Phase relationship index property, laboratory determination.
4. Capillary phenomenon permeability, factors affecting permeability.
5. compaction, methods of compaction.
6. Consolidation, difference between compactions and consolidation.
7. Stresses in soil, shear strength, colomb’s equation, unconfined compression test.
8. Earth pressure and retaining structures.
9. Shallow and deep foundations, classifications of piles.
10. Stabilization of soils by lime and cement.
11. Sub-surface exploration.

(b) Surveying:
1. General principles.
2. Chain surveying.
3. Compass Traversing, bearings, local attractions, types of travessing, traverse computations, corrections and missing readings.
4. Leveling-Theory, Temporary & permanent adjustment of levels, types of levelling. Reciprocal levelling, L-section and cross section, Refration and curvature corrections.
5. contouring – characteristics, uses and plotting of contours.
6. Plane table surveying- orientation, plotting methods, two & three point problems, Lehmann’s ruler errors and precautions.
7. Theodolite: Adjustmen (Temporary & permanent) Measurement of angles, curves, horizontal and vertical curves, their design and layout transition curves.
8. Minor Instruments Abneys Level, Tangent Clinometer, ceylone Ghat tracer, pantograph and planimeter.

(c) Building Materials and construction:
1.Buildhing Materials: Bricks, their classification and characteristics, building stones, source, quarrying, classification and properties, lime, properties, Cement types, properties and tests, timber and wood products, types, properties and uses, paints, varnishes and distempers, glass and plaster etc., Lime concrete, uses in foundation and terracing, Cement concretes, ingredients, grading of aggregates, workability, water cement ratio, mixing, laying compaction, curing.

2. Building constructions- Detailing of walls, floors, roofs stair cases, doors and windows, finishing of building, plastering pointing, damp proofing etc., Ventilation and air conditioning fire fighting.

(d) Water supply and sanitation for public building:
1. Sources of water, quality and quantity of water supply, water treatment, water distribution, laying of pipes, building water supply & maintenance.

2. Quantity of sewage, sewarage systems, sanitation and drainage, disposal of rainfall and domestic wastes. Including night soil, waste water and garbage, plumbing for public and residential buildings, septic tanks and soak pit, sewage treatment.

Paper-2 (Water Resources Engineering)

Exam Type: Objective (MCQ), Questions: 180 (02 marks each), M. Marks: 360 and Time: 03 Hours.

1. Introduction: Definition of irrigation, necessity of irrigation, history of development of irrigation in India, types of irrigation in India. sources of irrigation water.

2. Rain fall & run-off: Definition of rainfall & run-off, catchment area, dicken’s & ryve’s formula, types of rain gauges-automatic & non-automatic, stream guaging.

3. Water requirement of crops: Definition of crop season, duty, delta and base period, their relationship, irrigation methods & efficiencies, gross command area, culturable command area, intensity of irrigation, irrigable area, water requirement of crops-kharif and rabi, preparation of water supply schedules for kharif and rabi.

4. Lift irrigation: Types of walls, shallow & deep well, aquifer, types, ground water flow, construction of open wells and tube wells yield of an open/tube well and problems, methods of lifting water, manual and mechanical devices, use of wind mills, lift canals their design, construction and water scheduling.

5. Flow irrigation: Irrigation canals, perrinial irrigation, different parts of irrigation canals and their functions, sketches of different canal cross sections, classification of canals according to their alignment, design of irrigation canals, chezy’s formula, mannings formula, kennedy’s and lacey’s sift theory and equations, comparison of above two silt theory, equations, critical velocity ratio, use of garrets and lacey’s charts, various types of canal lining, advantage & disadvantages.

6. Canal head works: Definition, object, general layout functions of different parts, difference between weir and barrage.

7. Regulatory works: Functions and explanation of terms used cross and head regulators, falls, energy dissipates, outlets-different types, escapes.

8. Cross drainage works functions and necessity of the following types: Aqueduct, syphon, superpassage, level crossing, inlet outlet, constructional details of the above.

9. Dams: earthen dams-types, causes of failure, classification into masonry & concrete dams, labelled cross section of goavity dam, spiliways.

10. Water logging and drainage: Definition, causes and effects, detection, prevention and remedies, surface and sub-surface drains and their layout, field drainage, salinity controlling measures, ground water recharging measures.

11. Flood protection: Estimation of flood discharges, systems of flood warning, river behaviour, training works and control, marginal embankments, their design, causes of failure, spurs & dykes, attracting & repelling types, nonstructural flood management, relief & rehabilitation measures.

12. Irrigation management: Checking of irrigated, areas, raising water charges, bills, compensation for crop damages, penalties for unauthorized use of irrigation water, procedure for imposition of panel rates. Canal law and its application, formation of water users, associations and their participation in irrigation management, command area development.

13. Major irrigation projects in India.

14. Fluid mechanics:
(a) Properties of fluids, hydrostatic pressure of various types of surfaces, measurement of pressure, kinematics of fluid flow.
(b) Dynamics of fluid flow, bernouli’s theorem, measurement of flow, pilot tube, piezometer, orifices venturimeter, current meter.
(c) Flow through pipes-losses and pipe network, water hammer, reynold’s number.
(d) Flow through open channels-hydolic gredients, equation for uniform flow, chezy’s and manning formula most economical section.
(e) Measurement of discharges by (i) wairs and (ii) notch.
(f) Hydraulic machines-pumps (Reciprocating and Centifugal), Turbines (Implulse & Reaction).