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UKPSC JE Agriculture Syllabus

Check the latest UKPSC JE Agriculture Syllabus for Paper-1 and Paper-2 Agricultural Engineering Diploma Level Exam as provided by the Commission.

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Agricultural Engineering (Paper-1)

Exam Type: Objective (MCQ), Questions: 180 (02 marks each), M. Marks: 360 and Time: 03 Hours.


1. Farm Power Engineering & Non Conventional sources of Energy
Introductions: Sources of power on farms, comparative study and uses. Limitation and brief description of animal, fossil fuel (Diesel/petrol) wind, solar, Biogas and electric power.

I.C. Engines: Principles Heat engine, principle of operation, classification of I.C. Engines, Principles of operation two stroke and four stroke engine. Diesel and petrol engine, stationary, reciprocating and rotary parts, their material of construction and functions. Concept of terms related with I.C. engine, Numerical problems related with different terms. Performance of engine.

Tractor: Introduction Classification of tractor and adoptability. Factors affecting selection of tractor. General idea about different makes, models, in different H.P. ranges of tractors.

Hourly Cost of Operation: Hourly Cost of operation of small petrol engine, diesel engine and tractor.

2. Non Conventional Energy
Bio-gas Technology: Introduction of Biogas, Production of Biogas, Bio-digestion of plants and animals waste, reaction taking place during bio-digestion, gases produced during the process, elimination of unwanted gases such as CO2 and H2s. Factors affecting production of gas, efficiency of Bio-gas plants in winter, uses of biogas.

Wind Energy Technology: Types of wind mills-Vertical axis and Horizontal axis. Various uses of wind mills. Site selection for a wind mill construction, working and maintenance of wind mills.

Solar Energy Technology: Solar radiation and potentiality of solar radiation in India. Application of solar energy. solar collector.


3. Post Harvest Technology & Agro Based Industries
Introduction: Importance of grain and seed processing principles of agricultural processing, sequence of operation, Flow digestion services offered by processor of farmers: Wheat, Maize, paddy and Soyabeen.

Agro-Based Industries: Sugercane crushing, khandsari and Gur making process and equipment, vegetable and animal waste utilization, bye products of Soyabeen and potato, dehydration of vegetables.

4. Farm & Land Development Machinery: Farm Mechanization: Definition, Status of farm mechanization in India, Scope, Limitation, Advantages. Primary and Secondary tillage equipment, Sowing and Planting equipment, Harvesting and theshing equipment, Land Development equipment: construction, operation and output of the following Dozen Scraper, Draghoe and Dragline.

Agricultural Engineering (Paper-2)

Exam Type: Objective (MCQ), Questions: 180 (02 marks each), M. Marks: 360 and Time: 03 Hours.


1. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Introduction: Definition of Irrigation, History of Irrigation, Necessity and scope of Irrigation.

Water Requirement of Plants: Types of soils, soil properties in relation of Irrigation and drainage, classes and availability of soil water, Evaporation, transpiration, evapotranspiration, consumptive use, estimating crop water requirements, duty of water, delta. Assessment irrigation water requirements of different crops, estimation of depth and time of irrigation, different criteria for irrigation scheduling depending upon soil plant- atmospheric factor.

Irrigation Methods: Surface and subsurface methods, sprinkler and drip system of irrigation and conjunctive use. Measurement of irrigation efficiencies, water conveyance, storage, application, distribution and water use efficiency.

Drainage Engineering: Definition, necessity, water logging salinity, its control interrelationship of irrigation, drainage, drainage coefficient. Different types of surface and subsurface drainage system.

2. Minor Irrigation: Importance, necessity and advantages of minor irrigation, land survey, method of levelling, determination of cuts and fill. Importance and necessity of levelling. Sources of minor irrigation. Definition of tubewell, need, advantage & disadvantage, characteristics of tubewell site, factor affecting site selection.


3. Soil & Water Construction and Land Reclamation Engineering: Mechanics, types and causes of soil erosion, factors affecting erosion, damages caused by soil erosion. Agronomical measures for soil & water conservation: Contour terming, matching, grip cropping, cover cropping, mixed cropping, role of grasses in soil conservation.

Mechanical method of erosion control: Field bunding, contour bunding, graded bunding, ridge and channel terraces.

Gully erosion control: classification of gullies, control of gullies by temporary and permanent structures: earthen check dams, brush dams, loose rock dams, straight drop spillway.

Land Reclamation: Classification of user soils, salty resistant crops, reclamation of user soils. Reclamation of waste lands forest lands and sandy soils, sand dunes stabilization.

Ravine Reclamation: Classification of ravines and various measures for ravine reclamation.