CISF Head Constable Admit Card Answer key Result

Written Exam Pattern
CISF Head Constable Ministerial written exam will be conducted on OMR sheet. HC Min question paper will be of 02 hours duration and will consist of 100 objective type questions (01 mark each) on General Intelligence, General Studies/ Elementary Science, General English or Hindi and Arithmetic.
Cut off marks for qualifying in written exam:
General – 35% Marks
SC/ ST/ OBC/ Ex-Servicemen – 33% Marks
Candidates declared pass in Written examination will undergo Skill Test and Medical examination.
Skill Test (On computer)
Time allowed – 10 Minutes
English Typing – Minimum speed of 35 words per minute (wpm) or
Hindi Typing – Minimum speed of 30 words per minute (wpm)
(35 wpm in English and 30 wpm in Hindi corresponding to 10500 key depressions per hour in English/ 9000 key depressions per hour in Hindi with average of 5 key depressions for each word)
As we know, Earlier CISF Head Constable (Ministerial) Written exam scheduled for 27.03.2016, 03.04.2016 & 10.04.2016 postponed due to administrative reasons. Now the HCM Written exams are going to be held on 29.05.2016 (Sunday), 05.06.2016 (Sunday) and 12.06.2016 (Sunday). Zone-wise Revised or New Admit Card/ Candidates list for CISF HC Ministerial Written Exam is being provided below .
CISF HC Ministerial Written exam date – 29.05.2016, 05.06.2016 and 12.06.2016
CISF HC Min Answer key download
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Stay connected for further updates related to CISF HC Min Result and Merit list.
Is there any race in pst test for cisf head constable exam…. Pls notify me…. Plssss
when will be written exam of Cisf, i have passed PST.
what is the date for written exam.
Sir what will be date of written exam date passed. PST tast 2-9-2015 plz sent me the written exam date …
sir what will be the date oof written exam.kindly notify me in my mail address–
sir cisf had cosnstable ka result kab tak aa jayega
bhai logo
cut off ye gya h..
GEN – 92
OBC – 88
SC – 81
ST – 78
क्या कोई भाई बता सकता हैं इसका पेपर किस तरह का आता हैं और लगभग मेरिट कितनी जाती हैं इसकी तैयारी कैसे करी जायें अगर किसी के पास पुरना पेपर हो तो प्लीज मेरे को वाटस्प कर दो ……….8899662121
sir say the selection process and date of exams and merit list, medical test