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10+ Best Career Options, Courses and Job Opportunities

Career choice is one of the most important milestones in an individual’s life involves self analysis, critical thinking and finally decision making. The choice of the career is influenced by views of your parents, friends, relatives, teachers and the media. Today with a wider choice and an ever increasing competition, you need to plan your career wisely and at the earliest. While choosing a stream after 10th/ 12th, a training course or career options you should know your abilities, interests, aptitudes and personality.

Besides these you should gather information regarding different career options, the eligibility criteria, the premier institutions/ universities, and other criteria of selection and the market demands.

Job Opportunities Through Competitive Examinations

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts selection examination for recruitment for the post of Indian Civil Service (IFS, IAS, IPS and Allied Services in Central Govt), Doctors, Engineers, Economists, Geologists, Statisticians and Assistant Grade, Forest Service, Combined Defence Services for Graduates.

For 12th pass students it conducts only two competitive exams i.e. National Defence Academy (NDA) and special Class Railway Apprentices Exam (SCRA). The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) undertakes recruitment for middle and subordinate level posts of all the departments of the Govt of India all over the country.

Generally SSC posts include Clerk, Assistant, Inspector of income tax, Excise, Customs, Sub inspector of police, CBI etc, Stenographer, Junior Engineer, Grade C & D, MTS, Constable GD, Auditors, Junior Accountant, Hindi Pradhyapak, Junior Hindi Translator, Transmission Executives (AIR) exam etc.

Railway Recruitment Board and Banking services also conduct competitive exams. Direct recruitment to posts and services in Class I and Class II in Railways is made through UPSC. The posts of Assistant stenographer and clerks in the Ministry of Railways are filled by SSC. Recruitment for the rest of the Group C Posts is done by various Railways Recruitment Boards.

For the posts of non technical Clerk, Ticket Collector, Helper Medical, Hospital Attendant, Assistant Pointsman, Gateman, Porter etc., direct recruitment is made by RRBs (Railway Recruitment Boards) for 10th/ 12th pass students.

For technical skilled categories such as Diesel/ Elect. Assistant, Skilled Artisans, Mechanical/ Electric, Assistant Loco Pilot, Technician, Helper (Electrical/ Engineering/ Mechanical/ S&T), Track Maintainer etc., 10th and ITI certificate or National Apprenticeship Certificate in relevant trade is required.

Armed Forces and Protective Forces

Joining Armed Forces and Protective forces does not simply signify a choice of one’s career among many. The training imparted is both physically and intellectually demanding and continuous. There is a common nationwide UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam for the three services through the National Defence Academy (NDA) after 12th. The other points of entry in Defence are:

  • An open Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC) exam for Medical service after 12th with science.
  • For Naval Academy (Engineering) after 12th with science.
  • Military Nursing Service after 12th with science for girls.
  • Army Technical Entry Scheme after 12th with science.

Army/ Para Military Services: Soldier/ Agniveer GD, Tradesman, Clerk, Technical, Havildar, JCO (Catering), JCO (RT), Mahila Constable (General Duty), Constable (BSF/ SSB/ CISF/ ITBP/ CRPF), Rifleman, Sepoy, Army Technical Branch Entry etc.
Navy/ Coast Guard: Navik, Yantrik, Cadet Entry Scheme (Tech), Sailor, Civilian etc.
Air Force: Airmen/ AgniveerVayu in Tech Trades, Airmen in Non Tech Trades.
Fire Safety: Diploma in Fire Safety Engineering, Forest Ranger etc.

Career Options In Law

Lawyers generally practice before judges in the Subordinate courts, Administrative tribunals, High courts and the Supreme courts. Their practice pertains to mainly private matters and public matters. Lawyers specialize in criminal law, real estate, civil, tax, international law, labour, family law, constitutional, corporate, excise, customs and transportations etc.

The job involve giving legal advice and representing clients in legal matters. Lawyers also work in the legal department of firms, in defence services, as political advisers, in government legal services, with the judiciary as Magistrate, District and Session Judge, Munsif, Public Prosecutors, Solicitors, Attorney General, Advocates etc.

For Law you need to have good intellect, ability to assimilate and analyze facts, good judgment to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant. Qualities of good speech and excellent presentation skills, integrity, character and mental and physical stamina are qualities of good lawyers.

Career Options In Mass Media & Journalism

The mass communication industry offers opportunities in two major sectors: the print journalism and the electronic journalism. Journalists work for newspapers and magazines, with radio and television production teams. The work of a journalist involves both field and desk work. Chasing news stories, covering national and local events, telling the world what is happening where, why and how is the work of a journalist.

The various job titles in this profession are:- the editor, the sub editor, correspondent, reporters and freelance journalist, photojournalist etc. Jobs in television industry can be divided into reporting, anchoring and production. Journalists need to have broad based education, good general knowledge and a style of writing that is accurate, readable and informed. Journalists need to be observant, with keen interest in current affairs.

Career Options In Hotel Management

Manpower requirements for hotels are on the rise. Star hotels employ specialized trained staff for their various departments: food and beverages, housekeeping, accounting, marketing, recreation and other services, computer applicants, financial management, engineering, maintenance, security, fire fighting and public relations.

If you have an aptitude and attitude for service, liking for people, an outgoing and pleasant personality, capacity for hard work you could be successful in this profession. After Class 12th, Diploma/ Degree courses in Hotel Management (HM) are offered by Government and privately managed institutions and operated by hotel chains etc. Selection to most of the courses is conducted through entrance examinations, which includes a written test, interview and group discussion.

Career Options in Fashion Design

The work of a fashion designer is competitive, challenging and often involves teamwork. Fashion designing is also a very creative field. Success in this field is dependent more on inherent creativity and visual imagination.

The job opportunities exist in export houses, retail and whole sale garment businesses, fashion show organizers, television and film industry. Self employment opportunities include selling designs and obtaining contracts with garment manufacturers or marketing garments.

Fine Arts

Fine arts provides a person to explore a wide range of fields as painting, sculpture, applied arts, graphic arts, photography etc. The study of art prepares you for design related jobs. The work of fine artists is a form of self expression while the work of applied artists finds commercial application in advertising agencies, interior design and display exhibition work, Govt and semi Govt undertakings. Traits required are creativity, self motivation and commitment. After 12th, fine arts can be studied by joining a 04 years course call BFA course are also offered at Polytechnics after 10th.

Travel and Tourism

If one has personal knowledge and experience of travel to major tourists destinations, hotels, places of interest, one would make a good travel agent. People in travel business, must possess social etiquettes, business tact and positive approach.

Class 12th students from all subject streams can choose to enter this sector. Courses at Graduation levels in travel and tourism are offered by several Universities and Indian Institute of Travel and Tourism Management also offers short term courses after 12th.

Courses in Commerce After 12th

Business Management

Business Management course is very popular among students because the graduates armed with understanding of how business work; can venture into different areas of management. The jobs of business managers do involve planning and forecasting, organizing controlling and coordinating. The graduate course in management is called the Bachelor in Business Studies (BBS) or Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) which is of 03 years duration.

Graduates entrants are appointed as management trainees and after the training they are assigned to junior level managerial positions. All business organizations, industry, financial institutions, banks employ management graduates. Opportunity for work is varied, depending upon the area of specialization such as finance, marketing, personnel, material and Production management.

Banking and Insurance

Banking activities are carried through it’s various departments. A bank branch is managed by the branch manager. There are officers, clerical and other staff who undertake responsibilities in it’s various departments. All banks are governed by the regulations and directives from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).

The procedure of selection varies with nationalized and international banks. Posts of officers requires people with leadership qualities. Integrity, confidentiality and honesty in dealing with money, customers and staff is required. Good personal habits, such as neatness, promptness and organized mind are valuable personal qualities.

Chartered Accountancy

The main function of a Chartered Accountants is to deal with the management of money and provide financial advice. Chartered Accountants maintain records of financial transactions which every organization is required to keep by law. They also carry out company audits. Legally only Charted Accountants are allowed to audit a company’s books.

If you have good numerical ability, an analytical mind, a logical and methodical approach a career in accountancy could be the career for you. Chartered Accountancy can be pursued after 10+2 or 12th. After class 10th, students can register with the Institute for Common Proficiency Test in Chartered Accountancy. However, the CPT can be taken after Class 12th only. After registration the course material is sent to the candidate. The student has to complete the study and the papers.

Career Options in Medicine

Medicine is a career has been valued very high because of its power to heal and save life. Doctors all over the world are treated with great respect and the scope and prospects in the medical field are always bright. The study and practice of medicine requires intense mental activity and constant updating of skills and knowledge.

Dealing with patients in various conditions of illness, injury and trauma requires patience and compassionate outlook. You should be prepared to study for an extended period as the training is long and demanding.

Career Options in Pharmacy

Pharmacists study the chemistry of drugs, their origin, procedures for drug developments, their preparations, dispensing effects and eventual uses for presentation and treatment of disease. If you have a scientific bent of mind and interest in medicine, pharmacy would be an interesting option.

An ability to work methodically carefully and accuracy is needed. Registered Pharmacists work in various health centers, hospitals and medical dispensing stores and in pharmaceutical industries. They also work in Drug Control Administration as Drug Inspector. Study of Pharmacy can be pursued at the following levels- Diploma of 02 years, 03 years and Degree of 04 years duration after class 12th with (PCM/B).

Career Options in Engineering and Technology

Engineers design machinery and equipment, consumer goods, electrical, electronics equipment of plan construction of highways, buildings, dams and bridges. They work in diverse sectors such as chemicals, environment, defense, in biomedical engineering.

The study of engineering has a range of specialization: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering etc.


Architecture is the area of study and work which deals with designing and planning of buildings and structures. Architects are trained basically trained to organize space and know all the technical requirement of a building. Architects work with architectural firms, in entrepreneur ventures, with Government Departments and Construction industry.

Architects are taught in architecture departments in Engineering Colleges, in Architectural Institutes both Govt and Privates. B.Arch is a 05 year course after 12th. A student who has studies physics, Mathematics and Chemistry can apply for admission to a college.

Aeronautical or Aircraft Engineering

This fields of engineering deals with the development of new technology in the field of aviation, space exploration and defence systems. It specializes in the designing, construction, development, testing, operation and maintenance of both commercial and military aircraft, spacecrafts and their components as well as satellites and missiles.

One needs to be alert, have an eye for detail and should have a high level of mathematical precision to be successful. Engineers may work in areas like design, development, and maintenance as well as in the managerial and teaching posts in institutes.

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1 Comment on "10+ Best Career Options, Courses and Job Opportunities"

  1. Anil kumar jena says:

    Sir ta ki rali kab h sir place riply Sir

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