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BSF HC RO RM Selection Process, Physical and Exam Pattern

Border Security Force (BSF) has initiated recruitment process for the selection of Head Constable (RO and RM) posts in Communication Setup (Telecom) Cadre. The selection process has scheduled to be completed in three different phases consisting OMR based written exam, PST, PET, Documentation, Dictation test and Medical examination. BSF HC RO RM Selection Process, Height, Chest, Weight, PST/ PET, OMR based and Dictation Exam Pattern etc latest info for Communication Setup recruitment is given below.

BSF HC Radio Operator and Radio Mechanic Exam

BSF HC RO RM recruitment tests will be held at the respective recruitment centers (Srinagar, Jammu, Jalandhar, Jodhpur, Gandhinagar, Kolkata, Kadamtala, Guwahati, Agartala, Bhilai, Delhi, Bangaluru, Indore, Tekanpur, Hazaribagh, Bhondsi Haryana ). Under the Head Constable Radio Operator (RO) and Radio Mechanic (RM) Recruitment, candidates will have to undergo three stages of recruitment process as follows:
Phase 1 – Written Exam (OMR Based Screening Test).
Phase 2 – (i) PST, PET and Documentation (ii) Dictation Test and Paragraph Reading Test (For HC/RO candidates only).
Phase 3 – Medical Examination.
For application form, eligibility, vacancy, notification, exam dates and other details about the latest BSF HC RO RM Recruitment you can check the below link.

See also: BSF HC RO RM Recruitment 1312 Head Constable 2022-2023

BSF Head Constable RO RM Selection Process

Candidates whose application forms are found to be in order will be issued admit card with intimation through SMS/ Email/ Official website. After verification of identity at the concerned recruitment center, candidates will have to undergo 03 phases of recruitment process as follows:

Phase 1 – Written Exam (OMR Based Screening Test)

Firstly, candidates will have to appear in the Written Exam (OMR Based Screening Test) tentatively on 20th Nov 2022 as per the Syllabus/ pattern below:

Exam Syllabus/ Pattern – In the 1st phase of recruitment process, a Written Examination (OMR Based Screening Test) of 200 Marks will be conducted for the both BSF HC (RO) and HC (RM) posts. The written test will be of 02 Hours duration and will consist of 100 Objective type questions (02 marks each) based on Physics, Maths, Chemistry and English & GK. Questions on the Physics, Maths and Chemistry subjects will be based on 10+2/ Intermediate of CBSE/ State Boards of Education. In the General Knowledge part, questions will be based on Current Affairs, History, Geography and General Science.

Physics – 40 Questions (80 Marks)
Mathematics – 20 Questions (40 Marks)
Chemistry – 20 Questions (40 Marks)
English and General Knowledge – 20 Questions (40 Marks)

There will be negative marking in written exam and 0.25 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer. The minimum qualifying marks (cut off marks) for direct entry will be 38% for GEN/OBC/EWS category and 33% for SC/ST category out of 200 Marks. However, number of candidates to qualify in OMR Based Screening Test and further to appear in the next phase shall be restricted to 20 times the number of vacancies for the post.

See also: BSF HC Min ASI Steno Recruitment 323 Vacancies

Phase 2 – PST, PET, Documentation and Dictation Test

Candidates declared qualified in Written Exam (OMR Based Screening Test) will be allowed to appear in the 2nd Phase (PST, PET, Documentation and Dictation Test for HC/RO candidates only). Shortlisted candidates will be informed through SMS/ Email/ Official website for the 2nd Phase tests. Candidates will have to qualify in all the tests (PST/ PET, Documentation and Dictation Test) under 2nd phase.

Preliminary Screening (Physical Standard Test) – Height & Chest measurement for male candidates and Height measurement for female candidates.

Physical Standards (Height, Chest and Weight) for Head Constable (RO and RM) will be measured as follows:

Male Candidates
Gen/ SC/ OBC Category – 168 Cms
Garwalies, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K – 165 Cms
ST/ Adivasis or Tribals Including Mizos and Nagas – 162.5 Cms
ST of North-Eastern States – 157 Cms
Gen/ SC/ OBC Category: 80-85 Cms
Adivasis or Tribals Category: 76-81 Cms
Weight: Proportionate to height and age as per medical standards.

Female Candidates
Gen/ SC/ OBC Category: 157 Cms
Garwalies, Kumaonis, Gorkhas, Dogras, Marathas and candidates belonging to Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Himachal Pradesh, Kashmir and Leh & Ladakh regions of J&K: 155 Cms
ST/ Adivasis or Tribals Including Mizos and Nagas: 154 Cms
Weight: Proportionate to height and age as per medical standards.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Candidates qualified in Physical Measurement (PST) will be allowed to appear for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) which will consist of the following events:
Race – Male: 1.6 Km in 6½ minutes and Female: 800 Meters in 04 Minutes.
Long Jump – Male: 11 Feet in 03 chances and Female: 09 Feet in 03 chances.
High Jump – Male: 3½ Feet in 03 chances and Female: 03 Feet in 03 chances.

Candidates will have to qualify all the three events of PET (qualifying in nature) to be eligible for the next stage. Ex-servicemen and BSF Serving personnel will be exempted from PST/ PET.

Documentation (Verification of original documents)
Candidates qualified in Physical Efficiency Test (PET) will be allowed to appear for the Documentation (verification of original documents). Candidates will have to produce all original documents/ certificates in proof of details as given in the application. The following documents/ certificates will be verified at the time of documentation:
1. Educational Certificates.
2. ITI/ Diploma Certificate (if applicable).
3. Age Certificate (verified from 10th mark sheet/ certificate).
4. EWS Income and asset certificate (if applicable).
5. SC/ ST/ OBC Certificate (as applicable).
6. Discharge Certificate (for Ex-Servicemen).
7. Disc/ Vigilance clearance certificate, Bio-data and NOC issued by their appointing authority and Present Medical Category-SHAPE-1 issued by Medical Officer of concerned Units/HQs (for BSF Serving Constable GD and Tradesman).
8. Any other supporting documents/ certificates.

Dictation Test (for HC/RO Candidates Only)
HC/RO Candidates qualified in PST, PET and Documentation will have to undergo Dictation Test of maximum 50 Marks and Paragraph Reading of qualifying in nature as per the details below:

Dictation Test (in English writing) of minimum 100 words – 50 Marks.
Paragraph Reading (to test proficiency in pronunciation and reading of the candidate) – Qualifying in nature.

In the dictation test, 0.5 marks will be deducted for each omission/ mistake of single letter and 01 marks will be deducted for each word omission/ mistake. The minimum qualifying marks in the dictation test will be 38% for GEN/OBC/EWS candidates and 33% for SC/ST candidates.

For selection as HC (RO), category wise merit list will be prepared separately on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in Written Test (OMR Based) and Dictation Test out of total (200+50) Marks. While for selection as HC (RM), category wise merit list will be prepared separately on the basis of marks obtained by candidates in Written Test (OMR Based) out of total 200 Marks.

See also: Delhi Police Head Constable 857 AWO/ TPO Recruitment

Phase 3 – Medical Examination (DME/ RME)

Finally, candidates qualified in all the above tests will put through a Detailed Medical Examination to assess their fitness as per the Medical Standards. Candidates declared unfit will be allowed to undergo Review Medical Examination (RME).
1. Minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of the both eyes without correction i.e. without wearing glasses.
2. Must pass high grade colour vision test.
3. Must not have knock-knees, flat feet or varicose vein or squint in eyes and they should possess CP-III BY ISIHARA.
4. Hemoglobin, Urine routine/ microscopic examination and X-Ray chest (PA view) for all candidates will be done.
5. Must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of the duties.
6. Tattoo depicting religious symbol or figures and the name, as followed in Indian Army are to be permitted. Tattoos marked on traditional sites of the body like inner aspect of forearm, but only left forearm, being non saluting limb or dorsum of the hands are to be allowed. The size of Tattoo must be less than ¼ of the particular part (Elbow or Hand) of the body.
See also: BSF Technical Selection Process, Physical and Exam Pattern
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2 Comments on "BSF HC RO RM Selection Process, Physical and Exam Pattern"

  1. Lachhu gong says:

    Bsf online Karna hai sir

  2. LOKENDAR Singh says:

    mera BSF rm ka physical hai kon konse documents chahiye

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