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ARO Siliguri (WB) Army Open Recruitment Rally Apply Online

Indian Army, ARO Siliguri released open rally dates for Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling, Dakshin Dinajpur, North Dinajpur, Malda, Alipurduar and Kalimpong districts of West Bengal and all districts of Sikkim. The recruitment rally will be organized for Soldier GD, Clerk/ SKT, Technical, Technician (Avn & Amn Examiner), Nursing Assistant and Soldier Tradesman vacancies under HQ Recruiting Zone Kolkata. Indian Army ARO Siliguri Recruitment Rally, West Bengal and Sikkim Bharti Rally Jobs 2018-2019 as online registration, form, dates, qualification, admit card, physical, exam pattern, syllabus etc latest information is given here.

Siliguri Bharti Registration and Admit Card 2018-2019

ARO Siliguri, West Bengal Rally, Sikkim Rally, Army Jobs Online Registration – 27 August 2018 to 10 October 2018
Rally date – 26 October to 03 November 2018
Venue (Location) – Baikunthpur Army Ground (Sevoke Military Station) Opposite BSF STC Camp, Salugara, Siliguri (WB)
Districts – Jalpaiguri, Cooch Behar, Darjeeling, Dakshin Dinajpur, North Dinajpur, Malda, Alipurduar and Kalimpong districts of West Bengal
Post Category – SGD, STT, CLK, SNA, STA and TDN
See AlsoArmy Bharti Selection Process, Physical Fitness Test and Standards

Sikkim State Recruitment Rally (to be updated)
Bharti Registration
Rally date
Venue (Location) – Palzor Sports Stadium Gangtok (Sikkim)
Districts – Entire Sikkim State (East Sikkim, West Sikkim, North Sikkim and South Sikkim districts)
Post Category – SGD, STT, CLK, SNA, STD, STA and TDN

Age Limit (As on 01 Oct 2018)
Soldier General Duty (SGD) – 17½ to 21 Years
Soldier Technical, Soldier Technical (Avn/Amn Examiner), Soldier Nursing Assistant, Soldier Clerk/ SKT and Tradesman – 17½ to 23 Years

Educational Qualification

Soldier GD – 10th pass with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. In case of 12th and higher education, stipulation of percentage is waived off.
Soldier Clerk/ SKT – 12th Pass/ 10+2 with 60% Marks in aggregate (minimum 50% Marks in each subject) and have studied English & Maths/ Accounts/ Book Keeping in Class 12th or 10th
Soldier Technical – 12th pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths & English with minimum 50% Marks in aggregate and minimum 40% Marks in each subject.
Soldier Nursing Assistant (NA) – 12th Pass in Science stream with Physics, Chemistry, Biology & English with 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 40% in each subject.
Tradesmen – 10th/ 08th pass
See AlsoArmy Written Exam Pattern, Model Question Paper and Syllabus

ARO Siliguri Rally Registration and Admit Card

Eligible candidates from the designated districts of West Bengal may submit online applications for ARO Siliguri Recruitment Rally through upto 10 October 2018 (details for Sikkim Rally under ARO Siliguri will be updated soon). Thereafter you may appear in the recruitment rally at Baikunthpur Army Ground (Sevoke Military Station) on respective dates with Educational Certificates, Domicile Certificate, Character Certificate, Unmarried Certificate, Relationship Certificate (if applicable), Other Certificates (NCC/ Computer/ Sports), Photographs, admit card etc required documents.
Rally date, time, location etc will be given in Admit Card (Call letter) which will be available online to download after 11 Oct 2018.
See alsoWest Bengal Sikkim Odisha Army Recruitment Rally Schedule
See alsoAll Zones/ States Army Open Bharti Rally New Schedule
Registration, Online form and Admit Card
ARO Siliguri Recruitment Rally Notice
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11 Comments on "ARO Siliguri (WB) Army Open Recruitment Rally Apply Online"


  2. Ranjit pokhrel says:

    Sir jalpaiguri ka bharti kab hoga ?

  3. Kurbun ali says:

    South Dinaj pur ka online from filb kab hoga

    1. Ranjit pokhrel says:

      Kurban july me bharti hoga sayad …

  4. Lhakpa dorje thoker says:

    Myself lhakpa from darjeeling west bengal and I just want to know that in which place of west Bengal territorial army bharti held I want to know the name of place and date please help me for this kind information because i want to became a territorial army because its my dream and i want to
    join ..

    1. After confirmation, related information will be updated on this page.

  5. Prasanta roy says:

    sir i am prasanta , from uttar dinajpur . sir siliguri ma February ko rally hua tha kya . aur age kob rally hoga . plz bataiye sir .

  6. Manarul Mondal says:

    Berhampore aro rally kob hoga

  7. Sorojit Paul says:

    Aro Siliguri ka rally kab ayega sir???? 2019 Wala

  8. Sir siliguri aro contact do sir my problem hu sir please kindly mujhe bad Kar na hai

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