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Army Education Havildar Recruitment, Syllabus & Physical 2025

Indian Army has invited applications for recruitment of Havildar (Education) in the category of IT/ Cyber, Information Operations and Linguist in Army Educational Corps (AEC). All eligible unmarried male candidates can apply online for the Education Havildar Bharti Vacancies through the website Indian Army Education Havildar Recruitment 2025-2026 as online application form, eligibility criteria, selection process, CEE exam syllabus, physical PFT/ PMT, rally date etc info is given below.

Indian Army Education Havildar Recruitment 2025-2026

Pay Scale – Rs 5200-20200 (PB-1) with Grade Pay Rs 2800 plus Military Service Pay (Rs 2000) plus other allowances.

Indian Army Havildar (Education) Categories:
1. Havildar (IT/Cyber)
2. Havildar (Information Operations)
3. Havildar (Linguist)

See also: Army RT JCO Recruitment, Syllabus and Physical 2025-2026

Eligibility Criteria – Education Havildar eligibility criteria in terms of age limit and educational qualification for IT/Cyber, Info Ops and Linguist category are as follows:

Age Limit – 20 to 25 years as on 01st Oct 2025 i.e. candidate should be born between 01 Oct 2000 and 01 Oct 2005 (both dates inclusive).

Educational Qualification:

Havildar (IT/ Cyber) – Graduation/ Post Graduation with minimum 50% marks from a recognised University or equivalent in the following:

PRIORITY 1: BSc/MSc in Information Security/ Information Technology/ Cyber Security/ Cyber Forensics/ Cryptology/ Computer Science/ Data Analytics/ Data Science/ Mathematics/ Physics/ Chemistry/ AI & ML or BCA/MCA (Computer Application) or BTech (Computer Science) or equivalent.

PRIORITY 2: BA/ MA/ BSc/ MSc (Mathematics) or BSc/MSc (Physics/ Chemistry) or BE/BTech in Electronics.

Havildar (Information Operations) – Graduation/ Post Graduation with minimum 50% marks from a recognised University or equivalent in the following:

PRIORITY 1: BSc/MSc in Information Technology/ Computer Science or BA/MA in Mass Communication/ Journalism/ Psychology/ Sociology/ Public Administration/ Political Science/ Military Study & Defence Management or BTech (Computer Science) or equivalent.

PRIORITY 2: BA/MA in English Literature/ Urdu Literature/ Kashmiri Literature/ Tibetan Language or Studies/ History/ Mathematics or BSc in Multi Media or BSc/MSc in Mathematics/ Physics / Chemistry or BE/BTech in Electronics or equivalent.

Havildar (Linguist) – Graduation/ Post Graduation with minimum 50% marks from a recognised University or equivalent in the following:

PRIORITY 1: BA/MA in specified Foreign Languages (Chinese/ Russian/ Dzongkha/ Tibetan/ Myanmar/ Pashto/ Arabic/ Sinhala/ Persian or any other specified foreign language or equivalent. BA/MA in English with Diploma in specified language or equivalent.

PRIORITY 2: BA/MA in English Literature/ Urdu Literature/ Kashmiri Literature/ Political Science/ History/ Mathematics or BSc/MSc in Physics/ Chemistry/ Mathematics or BE/BTech in Electronics or equivalent.

Note: Bonus of 30 Marks will be added to the final merit for candidates possessing education qualification under PRIORITY-1 for Hav (IT/Cyber)/ Hav (Information Operations)/ Hav (Linguist).

See also: Army Sports Quota Recruitment Havildar Subedar 2025-2026

Selection Process, Exam Pattern and Physical Test

Indian Army Education Havildar (IT/Cyber, Information Operations and Linguist) recruitment process consists of 03 Phases as follows:

  • Phase 1: Common Entrance Examination (CEE).
  • Phase 2: Recruitment Rally (Documentation, Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement Test, Adaptability Test and Medical examination).
  • Phase 3: Aptitude Skill Test and Personal Interview.

The latest and detailed selection process for Indian Army Havildar (Education) is as follows (step by step):

Common Entrance Examination (CEE)

Firstly, Admit Card will be issued for Common Entrance Examination (CEE) to all candidates whose online application forms are found to be in order. Candidates will have to download Havildar Education Admit Card through JIA website and carry a colour printout at the Computer Based exam centre. Entry gates at exam center will be opened one and a half hour prior to scheduled time of exams and will close 30 minutes prior to time of exam.

The Havildar Education Exam consists of 02 Papers as per the following pattern and syllabus:

  • Paper-I (50 Questions/ 50 Marks): General Awareness, General English, Mathematical Aptitude and Reasoning (01 Hour duration).
  • Paper-II (100 Questions/ 100 Marks): Specific subjects for respective trade (02 Hours duration).

The 1st Paper consists of a total 50 objective type questions (01 Mark each) based on General Awareness, General English, Mathematical Aptitude and Reasoning. While the 2nd Paper consists of a total 100 objective type questions (01 Mark each) based on specific subjects for respective trade. You can check the Detailed Havildar Education Syllabus 2025-2026 for IT/Cyber, Information Operations and Linguist category for Paper I & II below.

The marking pattern in online test for Indian Army Education Havildar (IT/Cyber, Information Operations and Linguist category) is as follows:

  • 01 mark for every correct answer.
  • Zero marks for unattempted questions.
  • No negative marking for wrong answers.
  • All questions, if attempted, will be considered for evaluation, even if marked for review.

The time duration for Paper-I is 01 Hour while for Paper-II is 02 Hours. You have to obtain a minimum 40% Marks in Paper 1 & 2 (passing in both the papers is mandatory) to qualify CEE. There will be no negative marking applicable in Paper-I and Paper-II. Candidates declared successful in Phase-1 (CEE) will be shortlisted for Phase-2 (Recruitment Rally).

See also: Army Online Exam CEE Syllabus and Model Paper (Mock Test)

After completion of CEE, candidates will be shortlisted proportionate to the available vacancies by applying a cut off in written exam result. The Roll Number of the candidates who are in merit will be published on the JIA official website. Thereafter, shortlisted candidates will be issued admit card for Phase-2 (Recruitment Rally) as per the Schedule of AROs (see below).

See also: Army Bharti Rally Schedule All Zones and States 2025-26

Recruitment Rally (Documentation, Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement Test, Adaptability Test and Medical examination) for Education Havildar will be conducted at respective HQ Recruiting Zone/ Regimental Centres as per the details below:

Document Verification

At the beginning of the recruitment rally, all the candidates will be put through verification of original documents (documentation). Candidates are required to report at the rally site on the date and time given in the Phase-II Admit Card. You will have to produce the following required documents/ certificates in original along with two self-attested photocopies at the time of documentation:

  • Admit Card printed on good quality paper.
  • Twenty (20) copies of unattested Passport size colour photographs developed on good quality photographic paper in white background not more than three months old. Computerized/ photocopied/ shopped photographs will not be accepted. Photographs must be with proper hair cut and clean shave (except Sikh candidates).
  • Education certificates with marks sheet of all educational qualifications i.e. 10th/ 12th etc achieved from recognized School/ College/ Board/ University. Candidates with Matric certificate from Open School should carry School Leaving Certificate countersigned by BEO/ DEO.
  • Domicile Certificate with photograph issued by Tehsildar/ District Magistrate.
  • Caste Certificate affixed with photograph of the candidate issued by the Tehsildar/ District Magistrate.
  • College Character Certificate issued by the Principal where the candidates last studied.
  • Character Certificate with photograph issued by Village Sarpanch/ Municipal Corporation within last 06 months.
  • Relationship Certificate issued by concerned Record Officer for Son of Serviceman/ Ex-servicemen, Son of War Widow/ Son of Widow (if applicable).
  • Affidavit duly signed by candidate on Rs 10/- Non-Judicial Paper in the prescribed format duly attested by Notary.
  • PAN Card and Aadhar Card.
  • Police Character Certificate.
  • Sarpanch/ Nagar Sewak (Residence proof).

Physical Fitness Test (PFT)

Run – 1.6 Kms within 06 Minutes 20 Seconds.
Pull Up (Beam) – Minimum 06
Zig Zag Balance – Must Pass
09 Feet Ditch – Must Pass

The PFT will be qualifying in nature and candidates will have to qualify in all the physical fitness tests. Marks obtained in PFT will not be considered while finalizing the final merit.

See Also: Army Selection Process, Physical Test and Standards 2025-2026

Physical Measurement Test (PMT)

Candidates qualified in PFT will have to undergo Physical Measurement Test. The Physical Standards (Height, Chest and Weight) for Indian Army Education Havildar will be measured as follows:

Western Himalayan (Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Hills, Garhwal and Kumaon Uttarakhand) – Height: 162 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 48 Kg.

Eastern Himalayan (Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam and Hill Region of West Bengal) – Height: 160 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 48 Kg.

Western Plains (Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan and Western Uttar Pradesh- Meerut and Agra Division) – Height: 162 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 50 Kg.

Eastern Plains (Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa) – Height: 162 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 50 Kg.

Central Plains (Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadar, Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu) – Height: 162 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 50 Kg.

Southern Plains (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and Puducherry) – Height: 162 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 50 Kg.

Gorkhas – Height: 157 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 48 Kg.

Ladakhi – Height: 157 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 50 Kg.

Andaman & Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep Group including Minicoy (Locals) – Height: 155 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 50 Kg.

Andaman & Nicobar Island, Lakshadweep Group including Minicoy (Settlers) – Height: 165 Cms, Chest: 77 Cms and Weight: 50 Kg.

Adaptability Test

Candidates declared qualified in PFT and PMT will be put through Adaptability Test as per policy in vogue. Adaptability Test is for selection of candidates who can adapt to the environment of the Indian Army and are able to adapt to the challenges of military life. Those candidates who qualify the Adaptability Test will be eligible for Medical Exam and further recruitment process.

Medical Examination

Candidates qualified in Adaptability Test will have to undergo detailed Medical examination. Candidates should have robust physique and mental health, chest should be well developed having minimum 5 cm expansion, should have normal hearing with each ear, should have sufficient number of natural teeth i.e. 14 dental points with healthy gums. Candidate should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele, varicose veins or piles.

Personal Interview

Candidates qualified in Phase-2 (PFT, PMT, Adaptability test and Medical exam) will be interviewed by a board of officers at AEC Training College and Centre, Pachmarhi (MP). Candidates shortlisted for the Aptitude Skill Test and Personal Interview will be intimated through email and their Roll Number will be uploaded on the JIA official website.

Candidates will be assessed on their General Knowledge, Subject Expertise and Aptitude for serving in the Armed Forces.

Final Merit (Result)

Final selection of candidates will be based on merit list prepared on the basis of the total marks obtained in written exam/ CEE (Paper-1 & 2) and Aptitude Skill Test/ Interview. The Final Merit list (Result) will be published on the JIA official website and successful candidates will be intimated through email/ call letter for further training in the Regimental Centre.

Candidates finally selected will be enrolled as Havildar (Education) and will have to undergo 19 Weeks of Basic training followed by 34 Weeks of Advanced Military Training at AEC Training College and Centre, Pachmarhi (MP) including on Job Training (OJT) at various institutes.

See also: Army Havildar Surveyor Auto Cartographer Recruitment

Indian Army Education Havildar Syllabus (Detailed)

The latest and detailed Education Havildar Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2025-2026 for IT/Cyber, Information Operations and Linguist category for Paper I & II is as follows:

Havildar Education (IT/Cyber)

Paper 1: General Knowledge, General English, Mathematical Aptitude and Reasoning (50 Questions).
Paper 2:
Priority I – IT/ Cyber Concepts (50 Questions).
Priority II – Electronics (12 Questions), Chemistry (12 Questions), Physics (12 Questions) and Mathematics (14 Questions).

Havildar Education (IT/Cyber) Syllabus:


General Knowledge – The test will include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography and who’s who. In addition, Abbreviations. Sports, Award and prizes. Terminology, Indian Armed forces, Continents and Sub Continents, Inventions and discoveries, the constitution of India, International organizations, books and Authors, knowledge of important events that have happened in India and at world level in the recent years. Current important world events, Prominent personalities etc.

General English – Comprehensive; Part of Speech- Article, Noun and Pronoun, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction and models; Verbs; Tenses- Present/ Past forms, Simple/ Continuous form, Perfect forms, Future time reference; Sentence Structure; Type of Sentences- Affirmative/ Interrogative sentence, Use of Phrases, Direct and Indirect speech, Active and Passive Voice; Other Areas- Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms and antonyms, One word substitution.

Mathematics – Algebra, Matrices & Determinants, Analytical Geometry, Trigonometry, Integral Calculus, Differential Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Number Systems, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Mensuration, Area, Volume and Surface Area.



Programming Fundamentals – Basic Programming Concepts (Variables, Data Types, Operators, Loops, Conditionals) Functions, Recursion, Control Structures.

Data Structures & Algorithms – Arrays, Lists, Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists, Trees, Graphs, Sorting & Searching Algorithms (e.g., Quick Sort, Merge Sort).

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) – Classes and Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Abstraction.

File Handling & I/O – File Operations (Read/Write, Binary/Text Files), File Parsing (JSON, CSV, XML), Serialization.

Database Programming – SQL Queries (SELECT, INSERT, JOIN), Database Connections (SQL, NoSQL), Database Security (SQL Injection Prevention).

Scripting & Automation – Python, Bash.

Web Development Programming – Frontend (HTML, CSS, JavaScript), Backend (APIs, Authentication), Web Security (XSS, CSRF).

Operating System Concepts – Basic OS Concepts (Process Management, Memory Management, File Systems, Scheduling) System Calls, OS Security (Access Control, Malware Detection, Authentication Mechanisms).

Cyber security Concepts – Threat Models, Risk Assessment, Network Security, Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Cryptography Firewalls, IDS/IPS, Malware & Threat Detection, Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).

Computer Networks – OSI/TCP-IP Models, Routing, Switching, IP Addressing, VLANS, Wireless Networks Network Security (Firewalls, VPNS, Intrusion Detection Systems).

Cybercrime & Laws – Types of Cybercrimes, Legal Frameworks (IT Act, GDPR, Cybercrime Laws).

Machine Learning & AI – Supervised, Unsupervised Learning, Neural Networks, Predictive Analytics, Anomaly Detection in Cyber security.

Quantum Computing – Basic Concepts (Qubits, Quantum Gates, Quantum Cryptography), Quantum Algorithms (Shor’s, Grover’s).

ELECTRONICS – Basic Circuit Theory and Network Analysis, Semiconductor Devices, Electronic Circuits, C Programming and Data Structures, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Communication Electronics.


Inorganic Chemistry – Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding s- and p- Block Elements.
Physical Chemistry – States of Matter & Ionic Equilibrium Chemical, Thermodynamics and its Applications.
Organic Chemistry – Basic and Hydrocarbons Oxygen Containing Functional Groups.

PHYSICS – Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics Thermal Physics, Digital Systems and Applications, Quantum Mechanics and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory.

MATHEMATICS – Integral Calculus, Matrices, Linear Programming, Vector Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Boolean Algebra.

Havildar Education (Information Operations)

Paper 1: General Knowledge, General English, Mathematical Aptitude and Reasoning (50 Questions).
Paper 2:
Priority I – Information Operations Concepts (50 Questions).
Priority II – Electronics (10 Questions), Chemistry (10 Questions), Physics (10 Questions), Mathematics (10 Questions) and English Literature (10 Questions).

Havildar Education (Info Ops) Syllabus:


General Knowledge – the test will include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography and who’s who. In addition, Abbreviations. Sports, Award and prizes. Terminology, Indian Armed forces, Continents and Sub Continents, Inventions and discoveries, the constitution of India, International organizations, books and Authors, knowledge of important events that have happened in India and at world level in the recent years. Current important world events, Prominent personalities etc.

General English – Comprehensive; Part of Speech- Article, Noun and Pronoun, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction and models; Verbs; Tenses- Present/ Past forms, Simple/ Continuous form, Perfect forms, Future time reference; Sentence Structure; Type of Sentences- Affirmative/ Interrogative sentence, Use of Phrases, Direct and Indirect speech, Active and Passive Voice; Other Areas- Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms and antonyms, One word substitution.

Mathematics – Algebra, Matrices & Determinants, Analytical Geometry, Trigonometry, Integral Calculus, Differential Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Number Systems, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Mensuration, Area, Volume and Surface Area.



Technical Skills – Basic Programming & Scripting Basic Web Development.

Data Analytics & Visualization – Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA).

Media Literacy & Ethics – Understanding Media Impact, Critical Media Consumption, Ethics in Information Warfare.

Audio and Visual Tools – Audio Restoration, Video Editing & Restoration, Image Manipulation & Editing.

Human Psychology & Behaviour – Psychological Principles in Media, Psychological Warfare Techniques, Target Audience Profiling.

Deepfake & Selective Additive Tools – Deepfake Detection, Understanding Selective Additive Tools.

Written Communication Skills – Report Writing and Documentation, Proposal Writing for Info Ops/Psy Ops Campaigns.

ELECTRONICS – Basic Circuit Theory and Network Analysis, Semiconductor Devices, Electronic Circuits, C Programming and Data Structures, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Communication Electronics.


Inorganic Chemistry – Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding s- and p- Block Elements.
Physical Chemistry – States of Matter & Ionic Equilibrium Chemical Thermodynamics and its Applications.
Organic Chemistry – Basic and Hydrocarbons Oxygen Containing Functional Groups.

PHYSICS – Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics Thermal Physics, Digital Systems and Applications, Quantum Mechanics and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory.

MATHEMATICS – Integral Calculus, Matrices, Linear Programming, Vector Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Boolean Algebra.

ENGLISH LITERATURE – Language and Linguistics, English Communication, Creative Writing.

Havildar Education (Linguist)

Paper 1: General Knowledge, General English, Mathematical Aptitude and Reasoning (50 Questions).
Paper 2:
Priority I – Language knowledge about respective language/ Assessment in Targeted Language (50 Questions).
Priority II – Electronics (10 Questions), Chemistry (10 Questions), Physics (10 Questions), Mathematics (10 Questions), English Literature (05 Questions) and Hindi Literature (05 Questions).

Havildar Education (Linguist) Syllabus:


General Knowledge – the test will include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to History, Culture, Geography and who’s who. In addition, Abbreviations. Sports, Award and prizes. Terminology, Indian Armed forces, Continents and Sub Continents, Inventions and discoveries, the constitution of India, International organizations, books and Authors, knowledge of important events that have happened in India and at world level in the recent years. Current important world events, Prominent personalities etc.

General English – Comprehensive; Part of Speech- Article, Noun and Pronoun, Adjective, Preposition, Conjunction and models; Verbs; Tenses- Present/ Past forms, Simple/ Continuous form, Perfect forms, Future time reference; Sentence Structure; Type of Sentences- Affirmative/ Interrogative sentence, Use of Phrases, Direct and Indirect speech, Active and Passive Voice; Other Areas- Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms and antonyms, One word substitution.

Mathematics – Algebra, Matrices & Determinants, Analytical Geometry, Trigonometry, Integral Calculus, Differential Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Number Systems, Fundamental arithmetical operations, Mensuration, Area, Volume and Surface Area.


Chinese Language/ Russian Language/ Sinnaia Language/ Persian Language/ Arabic Language/ Myanmar Language/ Pushto Language/ Tibetan Language/ Dzonkha Language – Geography Religion, Geo-Strategic importance of Language & Country. History & Tradition of Culture of tgt language country. Administration, Politics, Economy & Bilateral relations, Language, its origin, history & Development. Basic Grammar and Comprehension to include Idioms & Proverbs, Synonyms, Opposition and other Lexical items (Tgt language).

ELECTRONICS – Basic Circuit Theory and Network Analysis, Semiconductor Devices, Electronic Circuits, C Programming and Data Structures, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Communication Electronics.


Inorganic Chemistry – Block Elements. Atomic Structure & Chemical Bonding s- and p- Block Elements.
Physical Chemistry – States of Matter & Ionic Equilibrium, Chemical Thermodynamics and its Applications.
Organic Chemistry – Basic and Hydrocarbons Oxygen Containing. Functional Groups.

PHYSICS – Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics Thermal Physics, Digital Systems and Applications, Quantum Mechanics and Applications, Electromagnetic Theory.

MATHEMATICS – Integral Calculus, Matrices, Linear Programming, Vector Calculus, Probability and Statistics, Boolean Algebra.

ENGLISH LITERATURE – Language and Linguistics, English Communication, Creative Writing.

HINDI LITERATURE – हिंदी भाषा का व्यावहारिक व्याकरण, अनुवाद : व्यवहार और सिद्धांत, कोश विज्ञान : शब्दकोश और विश्वकोश।

Note: The above syllabus is not a comprehensive list of topics pertaining to the subject. Questions are designed to test the candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and such matters of every observation and experience as may be expected of an educated person. At times questions may be asked other than the above topics also.

See also: Army JCO Catering Recruitment, Syllabus and Physical Test

Application Form, Important Dates and Notification

Eligible and interested unmarried male candidates are required to apply online for the Indian Army Education Havildar Recruitment through the website from 12th Mar to 10th Apr 2025. Candidates will have to register online (if not registered already) and submit online application form. For Eligibility, Online registration, Submission of application form, Documents, Admit Card etc follow the important steps given on the link blow.

See also: Army Online Registration Form, Date and Eligibility 2025-2026

You will have to carry required documents as Educational certificates, Character certificate, Domicile/ Resident/ Nativity certificate, NCC/ Relationship Certificate (if applicable) etc in original and self-attested photocopy with Admit Card at the time of recruitment rally, if shortlisted.

Examination fee – All candidates will have to pay Rs 250/- plus banking charges (as applicable) for the online examination. The payment can be made through Maestro, Master Card, VISA, Rupay Cards both Credit & Debit of all major banks, Internet banking and UPI.

Important Dates (Updated):

Opening date of registration of online form – 12th Mar 2025
Last date for registration of online form – 10th Apr 2025
Written Exam (Online CEE) date – Jun 2025 Onwards
Recruitment Rally date – See the schedule below

Register and submit online application form for the Indian Army Educational Corps Recruitment through the official website below. For various formats and more information about the Havildar (Education) Bharti 2025-26, download the official Recruitment Notification or advertisement in pdf format.

See also: Indian Army Soldier Nursing Assistant Recruitment

Search any information available on this site by the help of the search box above. You may visit later on this page for more updates about the current and upcoming Indian Army Education Havildar Recruitment, Educational Corps Bharti Exam etc.

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56 Comments on "Army Education Havildar Recruitment, Syllabus & Physical 2025"

  1. manish sharma says:

    sir , i hv cmpltd diploma+ btech , so i want to know i m eligible for the havildar education job , n i m dependent of ex servicemen

  2. deepaksinghlour says:

    Sir my dob is 15-06-1991 can I apply for education havildar

  3. Amit Rawat says:

    sir i qualify Bcom on commerce i can i apply for education havildar

    1. Kailash Raghaw says:

      No, Only Art & Science

      1. Omprakash Jayani says:

        Sar ji arts walo k liy hawaldar bharti kb tk aaygi please Riplay sar

  4. Sir may I know the dates of screening and physical fitness test for science stream candidates

  5. pritam singh says:

    Sir education havldar ka physical kab ho sakta h

  6. Himanshu Sharma says:

    Sir physical me kitna time milta hai running me???

  7. Shekhar Tippe says:

    Sir , Bsc finel semister appear candidates , those who are waiting for results are eligible or no for the post of army education havildar .
    Please reply .

  8. Sir, ab army teacher ki vacancy kab tak ayegi. Meri height 163cm hai kya mai eligible hu

  9. RAJAT KUMAR says:

    Sir B.A mein 1 year ka gap hai education havildar ki bharti dekh sakta hun

    1. Hemant chaudhary says:

      sir I have bsc marks in point but in form we have to upload tha marks of subject what I can do now??

  10. Ranjan Kumar says:

    I have completed in Biotechnology. Am I eligible for army education havildar?

  11. sunil devrath says:

    Sir my dob 26.01.1989 kya m apply kar sakta hu

  12. Parmveer Singh says:

    Sir i m gradute in commerce can apply ?

    1. RAHUL BHUJAL says:

      No,only arts and science stream can apply

  13. my age 12 12 92 can i fill up n join the test.. Indian army

  14. Sir Education havildar ke liye mene apply kr diya h lekin samejh me nhi aa tha h… Ab kya krna h..
    Pahle physical hoga ya exam… Or Bharti center state ke according milega… Ya khud select kr skte h…

  15. gopal joshi says:

    Bharti 28 June ko h up walo Ki meerut m

    1. Ranjan Kumar says:

      Sir apko kase pata chala? Website pe to kuch nahi hai. Bihar me
      bharti kab hoga?

  16. vinod kaintura says:

    sir next edu havaldar ki vacancy kab aane wali hai uk me

  17. Sir I am BE(Civil Engineering)i am eligible for havildar education

  18. mukesh kumar says:

    Sir my name Mukesh I am completed BA
    Sir education Havildar qualification details and presents tell

  19. Sar army haildar ke online kab hoga

  20. Sachin Ghildiyal says:

    Sir Meerut Mai Education Havildar Wali Bharti ka Kya Hua UK And uttar Pradesh ki relly Thi Wo jo ki Barish Ke Karan postpone kr di thi Sir Ab kb ho iska physical koi Informaton ni Mlri h sir plz help Me .

    1. If admit card for the Havildar Education has been issued to you then you may report at rally venue in Dehradun on 05-06 October.

  21. Sandeep Kandari says:

    Sir my admit card has lost . I have only registered form education hav . Can i report that rally.
    Can be re- generate admit card.

    1. Aryan Raina says:

      sir my age is 25 as per my dob which is 08-02-2000 can I apply (ur/general category kashmiri migrant)

  22. LifeView Notes03 says:

    In a year how many times of exams does the education havildar attempt?

  23. kuldeep chauhan says:

    sir 2018 main kab hogi Edu Hav ki bharti

  24. Mohd usman ansari says:

    Sir saharanpur ki bhrty kb h

  25. Surendra Kumar yadav says:

    Sir merrut me education havildar 2017 bharti rally rain ki wajah se postpone ho gai thi ab kab hogi iski koi jankari ho to pls pls Sir hame digiye

  26. Sir havildar education kibharti kab aa rhe h

  27. Sir education havildar k form kb niklan ge

    1. Stay connected for related updates.

  28. Satnam singh says:

    Sir education havaildaar ki bharti 2018 mai kab hai.
    Plz reply me

  29. rajendra kumar yadav says:

    eduction havildar ki bharti kab ayegi sir



  31. Sir Army education havilland ki vacancy kab aa rahi h

  32. suraj ghansela says:

    jai hind sir my syllabus is so can i aplay

  33. sir Havildar ke from kb aa rhe h

  34. Sir education havildar k from kb suru hoge

  35. Ashish Kumar says:

    AEC ka Bharti kB hoga sir plz sir

  36. Gautam sahu says:

    Sir Edu.hawildar ka kab online hoga air

  37. Sanju kumar says:

    Sir education havildar ki bharti kab hogi 2018 me aaygi ki nahi

    1. It’s not confirmed yet.

  38. Sunil gangwar says:

    AEC ka bharti kab hoga sir plz


    Sir havildar education ki bharti 2019 mein ayegi ya nenhi thoda rply karein ?

  40. marugujaratbharti says:

    GSSSB Bin Sachivalay Clerk bharti kab hai

  41. Sudheer kumar says:

    Sir education havaldar 2019 bali bharti kab final hogi

  42. Baban Dalvi says:

    Jay hind sir
    I am in last semester of BSc Computer Science can I apply to Havildar Cyber IT ??
    if yes …… they are asking degree certificate no required field while filling the form .. then what should i put in it
    please replay ?

    1. You should contact the registration helpdesk number 011-25686451 during working hours or send mail to wm.joinindianarmy(at)

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