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Army 41 FAD Leh Recruitment 458 Tradesman Fireman Posts

Indian Army has released a recruitment notification for filling up the following 458 Vacancies for 41 Field Ammunition Depot/ 255 (I) ABOU. All eligible Indian citizens can apply for the 41 FAD Vacancies of Tradesman Mate, Fireman, JOA (Erstwhile LDC), MTS and Material Assistant in the prescribed application form (offline) downloaded from the official website 41 FAD Leh Recruitment Tradesman Fireman JOA MTS Bharti 2021-2022 as application form, vacancy details, salary, qualification, selection process, physical, exam syllabus etc latest information is given below.

41 FAD Recruitment Defence Civilian Vacancies 2021-2022

41 FAD, Tradesman, Fireman, JOA MTS BhartiPay Scale (Salary):
Tradesman Mate and MTS – Rs 18000-56900 (Pay Level-1)
Fireman and JOA (LDC) – Rs 19900-63200 (Pay Level-2)
Material Assistant (MA) – Rs 29200-92300 (Pay Level-5)

Total number of Vacancies – 458 Posts

41 FAD Trade-wise Vacancy Details:
Tradesmen Mate – 330 (UR-134, OBC-89, SC-49, ST-25, EWS-33)

Firemen – 64 (UR-26, OBC-17, SC-10, ST-05, EWS-06)
JAO (LDC) – 20 (UR-09, OBC-05, SC-03, ST-01, EWS-02)
MTS – 11 (UR-05, OBC-03, SC-01, ST-01, EWS-01)
Material Assistant – 19 (UR-08, OBC-05, SC-03, ST-01, EWS-02)
255 (I) ABOU Tradesman Mate – 14 (UR-06, OBC-04, SC-02, ST-01, EWS-01)
Refer to official recruitment notification for the Trade-wise and Category-wise distribution of 41 FAD vacancies.

See also: All Field Ammunition Depot Recruitment Civilian Posts

Age Limit – 18 to 25 years (18 to 27 years for Material Assistant) as on application closing date (Relaxation in upper age limit as per Govt rules).

Educational Qualification:
Tradesman Mate (Erstwhile Mazdoor) – 10th Pass (Matriculation) or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.
Fireman – 10th Pass (Matriculation) or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.
Junior Office Assistant (JAO)/ LDC – 12th Pass (10+2) or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.
MTS (Multi Tasking Staff) – 10th Pass (Matriculation) or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board.
Material Assistant (MA) – Graduate or equivalent qualification in any discipline from any recognized University or Diploma in Material Management from a recognized University/ Institution.

See also: Army 36 FAD Tradesman Fireman Recruitment Vacancies

41 FAD Selection Process, Physical Test and Exam Syllabus

The selection process will consist of Physical Endurance Test/ Skill Test (as applicable) and Written Exam. The recruitment tests will be conducted at 41 FAD location (UT of Leh). Date and time for the physical endurance test/ skill test/ written test for all categories will be intimated in the Admit Card (Call letter) only to individuals whose applications received through Ordinary Post/ Registered Post/ Speed Post and are found correct in all respects after scrutiny by Commandant, 41 FAD.

Physical Test (Fireman):
Physical Measurements Test – Height: 165 Cms (relaxation of 2.5 Cms for ST candidates), Chest: 81.5-85 Cms and Weight: 50 Kgs
Physical Endurance Test – The PET for the post of Fireman will be qualifying in nature. Candidates are required to pass the following tests:
1.6 Kms run within 06 Minutes 30 Seconds.
Clearing 2.7 Meters wide ditch and landing on both feet.
Carrying a man (Fireman lift) of 63.5 Kgs to 183 Meters distance within 96 Seconds.
Vertical rope climbing (03 Meters) using hands and feet.

Physical Test (Tradesman Mate):
Physical Endurance Test for the post of Tradesman (Mate) will also be qualifying in nature. Candidates are required to pass the following tests:
1.5 Km Run (for male candidates) within 06 Minutes 30 Seconds.
Carrying a weight 50 Kgs to distance of 200 Meters within 100 seconds.

Skill Test (Junior Office Assistant):
35 W.P.M typing speed in English on computer or a typing speed of 30 W.P.M in Hindi on computer. The typing test for JOA will be qualifying in nature.
(35 w.p.m and 30 w.p.m correspond to 10500 KDPH/ 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)

Written Examination (for all trades):
Candidates qualified in Physical Endurance Test/ Skill Test will only be called for the written exam. The written exam question paper for Tradesman, Fireman and MTS trades will be of 10th Standard, 12th Standard for JAO (LDC) and Graduation Standard for Material Assistant. The written exam will be of 02 Hours 30 Minutes duration and will consist of total 150 Objective type questions (01 Mark each) of maximum 150 Marks as per the syllabus below.
General Intelligence and Reasoning – 25 Questions (25 Marks)
Numerical Aptitude – 25 Questions (25 Marks)
General English – 50 Questions (50 Marks)
General Awareness – 50 Questions (50 Marks)

For selection, trade and category wise final merit list will be prepared on the basis of performance in written examination.

See also: 23 FAD Suranussi Jalandhar Recruitment Civilian Vacancies

Application Form, Required Documents and Notification

Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the 41 FAD Bharti Tradesman Fireman JOA MTS Defence Vacancies in the prescribed application form by downloading from the website or directly through the link below. Send application form complete in all respect along with the following required documents through Ordinary Post/ Registered Post/ Speed Post to “Commandant, 41 Field Ammunition Depot, PIN-909741, C/o 56 APO” so as to reach on or before the closing date.

Envelope containing application must be superscribed in bold letters as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF Tradesman Mate/ JOA/ MA/ Fireman/ MTS (UR/ OBC/ SC/ ST/ EWS/ EX-SERVICEMAN/ PH/ MSP)” (Delete whichever is not applicable).

Required Documents (Self-attested):
1. Date of birth certificate.
2. Medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner for physical fitness.
3. Valid Caste certificate (for SC/ ST/ OBC).
4. Educational qualification certificates and marks sheets.
5. Discharge certificate (for Ex-serviceman).
6. Disability certificate for physically Handicapped issued by CMO/ Civil Surgeon of Govt Hospital.
7. Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Certificate (if applicable).
8. Two additional passport size photographs.
9. Sports Certificate (in case of Sports person). Certificate(s) in International Competition/ National Competition/ Inter-University Tournament or National/ Sports/ Games are valid for Sports Quota.
10. ID Proof (Voter Card/ Driving License/ Passport) preferably Aadhar Card.
11. Call letter as per the attached format.
12. One self addressed envelope (size 12×18 Cm) with postal stamps of Rs 25.

Important Dates:
Last date of receipt of application form – Within 21 Days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment news.
Last date of receipt of application form for candidates of Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep – Within 28 Days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment news.

Latest Update: As we know, 41 FAD Recruitment tests scheduled from 11.10.2021 were cancelled in view of the restrictions imposed by District Administration of Leh (Ladakh UT). Now fresh recruitment exam dates have been released by Indian Army. As per the latest notification, recruitment rally for the 41 FAD Vacancies will be held from 28 March to 20 April 2022.

You can download the latest Recruitment Test Schedule for the posts of Tradesman Mate, Fireman, JOA, MTS and Material Assistant through the link below.
41 FAD Recruitment Rally Schedule

For the application form, various certificate formats and other details about the 41 FAD Vacancies, download the official recruitment notification (Advertisement notice no – 01/41/2021) in pdf format below.
See also: CAD Pulgaon Recruitment LDC, Tradesmen and Firemen Posts
Recruitment Notice and Application form
Search any information available on this site by the help of the search box above. You may visit later on this page for other latest updates related to 41 FAD Recruitment, Tradesman, Fireman, LDC, MTS Bharti Exam etc.

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20 Comments on "Army 41 FAD Leh Recruitment 458 Tradesman Fireman Posts"

  1. thanks for the 41 fad bharti information

  2. Admit card kabb aya ga sir

    1. Surjeet Singh says:

      Respected Sir,
      Sir muja j confirm krna hai ki 41 FAD BHARTI ho ri hai ki postponed ho gaye hai? Sir mere bharti 11 Oct. Ko hai …
      Please Sir tell me.

  3. Uma Shankar says:

    Sir cod leh ka admit card kab tak ayege

    1. Sir 41 fad ke bharti kb hoge plleg information Krna

  4. Pravin chavan says:

    This Recruitment is cancel or not.

  5. Vishal kumar says:

    Ky 41 fild barti kya kencil ho gy hi ki nahi

    1. Sarfraj khan says:

      Sir 41fad ka Result kab tak aaega sir koe Information I hai ka asir please bataaya na

  6. Vishal kumar says:

    Barti hogi ki nahi

  7. Guglavath kishore says:

    Sir eska address kidar he sir if u don’t mind please bathaiena

  8. Bhai cancelled ho gai h exam chal rha tha bhich me hi cancelled hui h

  9. kartik yadav says:

    With due respect sir I want to know admit card Anne ke bad bharti cancel hui or hum waha itni dur aye the uska amount refund houga ki nahi or agar reschedule hui h bharti to kb hougi uski date bta dijiye

    1. Call me Karthik I am Rakesh Yadav 8279436440

  10. Rohit kumar says:

    41 f d Bharti cancel ho gai kya

  11. Sir. New admit card kb se release honge

  12. Ashok Meena says:

    Results kb aarha h

  13. Pardeep Kumar says:

    List. Kb tk lgegi sr


    Sir 41 fad result TM ka kab tak ayega

  15. Arvind kumar says:

    Hello sir ab gola barud ke farm kab aayenge please btana sir meri age 25 ho gayi h sir please btana

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